Monday, May 3, 2021

Is this the LK Advani moment

 For those of us fortunate to have witnessed the hey days of Ram Janam Bhoomi Movement LK Advani (LKA) was the perfect political leader - articulate, patient, extremely intelligent and a die hard Hindu warrior. 

Like so many others yours truly regretted his decision to give up the PMship in favor or ABV.  A great, selfless decision that only served to further endear him to us. 

So many of secretly hoped he would one day become PM.  After all he was most deserving.  He was the chief architect of BJP's rise from 2 seats to the principal opposition party.  The man who gave a real political shape to Veer Savarkar's Hindutva. 

But LKA's image as the Hindutva Iron man had its limits.  In a caste ridden country where Hindutva was often (and erroneously) mistaken for upper caste supremacist ideology his physical embodiment of the ideology imposed serious boundaries on his appeal to the broad coalition needed to trounce the Congress. 

It is at this point that he made the fatal political miscalculation.  In an ill advised trip to Pakistan he praised Jinnah - the architect of partition.  A man reviled by most Indians and particularly by BJP's core voter. 

LKA ended up falling between two stools.  He was looked upon by BJP's core with suspicion - as a politician who would jettison his core beliefs to gain a broader appeal.  And the pseudosecular tribe he had helped define as a socio-political group gazed upon him with the same suspicion - a Hindu fanatic turncoat willing to trade his beliefs for political acceptance aka political gain. 

In his desire to appear 'moderate' LKA lost everything and gained nothing. 

Political pundits have analyzed LKA's misguided impulses - what prompted such a drastic U-turn.  Most have (rightly) concluded that time was running out.  

But in disappointing his core supporters he lost the army he needed to win the ground game.  Coalition partners could never replace the passion, the willingness to put life and limb on the line that came with being a BJP karyakarta. 

BJP karya kartas seldom join BJP for money, power or influence.  Their core objective is to bring about Akhand Bharat - the reign of Hindutva. 

One they detected a vacillating LKA they simply gave up.  An that has lost its heart can never trump - no matter what weapons you equip them with. 

It may be too premature to call this NaMo's LKA moment but unless drastic steps are taken to protect BJP's karya karta, a similar disillusionment could take root.  And once this takes root, turning it around becomes close to impossible. 

BJP's victories in 2014 and 2019 were won the backs of those selfless, hard working karya kartas.  Their enthusiasm was infectious.  They were willing to go toe to toe wth anyone.   We saw it again in WB. 

But with both WB and Kerala witnessing merciless killing, rape and torture of the karya karta, BJP has to wonder how long they will fight for generals who do little to defend, protect or seek retribution. 

There are several ways for BJP to retalliate.  This BJP team isnt exactly Gandhian.  They know how to play hard ball.  Its time the gloves came off. 

The best way to take out a tyrant is to send them a message.  There are several options available and dont need to be spelled out here.  But the million dollar question is - Does the current BJP leadership have the stomach to exercise said options?

P.s. Given the situation on Indo-Pak-China border, BJP's options are limited.

Solving Woke's Love Fest with Islamism

“Many well-meaning Dutch people have told me in all earnestness that nothing in Islamic culture incites abuse of women, that this is just a terrible misunderstanding. Men all over the world beat their women, I am constantly informed. In reality, these Westerners are the ones who misunderstand Islam. The Quaran mandates these punishments. It gives a legitimate basis for abuse, so that the perpetrators feel no shame and are not hounded by their conscience of their community. I wanted my art exhibit to make it difficult for people to look away from this problem. I wanted secular, non-Muslim people to stop kidding themselves that "Islam is peace and tolerance.”
― Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Infidel

From its first attempt at Gazwa-e-Hind, Islam has met with resistance within India.  Great Hindus have risen to fight it.  But along side these gallant souls, India has birthed many a traitor.  Cowards who have not only sided with Muslim tyrants but justified their cowardice/greed with long sermons on tolerance and secularism.  

In over 1000 years, nothing has changed.  The Jaichands abound to this day.  But not every Hindu is a jaichand.  Some simple do not fathom the gravity of the threat.  Preoccupied with earning a living, few have the time for fighting a threat that isnt knocking on their doors. 

Coupled with these demands on daily survival, some Hindus have a need to hide and bury their fears and cowardice under layers of so called tolerance and progressivism.  "We arent like those Chaddi wearing Sanghis" - is an oft repeated jibe.  Though directed at Hindus its primary purpose it two fold:  

a) prove to the world that they are better 

b) hope that the mullahs spare them when their date with direct action arrives 

BJP and the broader section of Hindus have treated these 'woke' Hindus as a peripheral nuisance.  Peripheral to the demon of Islamic fundamentalism that is breathing down their collective necks. 

But as the events of post election WB are proving, these Hindus are actually a very large part of the equation.  

Unless these Hindus are brought on board in the war against Islam, Hinduism will have to fight this war with both hands tied behind its back. 

As the aforementioned quote from Ayaan Hirsi Ali points out, unfamiliarity with Islam is a disease. 

If Hindus are to be united this disease must be cured.  It is a prerequiste. 

Uniting Hindus through internal reform may be a lost cause.  The only way they would unite is they are made aware of the external threat looming over their necks like the proverbial sword. 

But how do we achieve this objective. 

Here's a simple suggestion:  There are several internet celebrities, Bollywood B graders, etc. who have gained much noteriety by abusing Hindus.  

It is time we force them to put their homes where their mouths and keyboards are. 

What would happen if muslim fundamentalists are allowed to occupy the homes of these Woke Internet warriors.  

BJP govts would simply have to do nothing.  Allow mullahs to do what their religion preaches i.e. to subjugate the kaafir.  Islam doesnt discriminate between woke kaafirs and Hindu kaafirs. 

So let them loose.  Pick a few prominent Woke Web influencers and/or Bollywood loudmouths and allow mullahs to occupy their homes/offices/businesses. 

Extend the invitation to religious places funded by foreign powers.  

What do Hindus have to loose.  If Hindu women are going to be butchered like animals, why should Wokes be left out?


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

End of Pakistan - The Count Down Has Begun

 Consider the following (all incidents reported in the past 6 months): 

1. Under US Pressure, Turkey refuses Pakistan's request for 30 attack helicopters 

2. US has left Pakistan out of an online-only global conference of Heads of State on Climate change (A meeting where even little Bhutan has been invited) 

3. President Biden has refused to call or in anyway interact with Imran Khan 

4. And the incing on the cake.  Chinese Foreign Minister on an official visit to Iran takes a jab at Pakistan, says "Iran is not a country which changes its foreign policy after a mere phone call"

5. UAE excluding Pakistanis from job opportunities in the emirates

6. Start of construction of 1st Hindu temple in the Arab world

7. France has banned the burqa 

8. A Muslim couple was refused citizenship in Switzerland when they refused to shake hands with govt officers

Considered in isolation or superficially, these discrete, independent events seem trivial at best.  But add a little context, place them in a broader frame and a startling picture begins to emerge.  

That of Pakistan's eventual demise as a viable nation. 

There are several threads converging to destroy Pakistan. 

To understand these threads we must begin with the biggest single variable - Islam. 

Pakistan was born with a fanatical belief in Islamic supremacy.  Its people, military and political leadership were brainwashed into believing that the age of Islam was upon us and that Pakistan would not only execute on Gazwa-e-hind but lead the broader Muslim ummah to the promised land aka - global conquest. 

Nothing explains Pakistan's instincts and its reflexes better than this delusion of Islamic supremacy.  Every decision, every response, every action is filtered through the prism of Islam.  Unsurprisingly, Indian Muslims harbor the same instincts.  

Coupled with this unflinching belief is another, even crazier delusion - That Islam is a religion of peace.   Both delusions feed on each other - "Islam is superior - it must be imposed on non-muslim, but Islam is a religion of peace i.e. muslims are peace loving and are thus always under attack, even when they impose their draconian beliefs on non-muslims". 

Throughout its 1400 year history, Islam's influence has ebbed and flowed.  But for the most part it has triumphed.  The Christian world successfully prevented Islam's rise in Europe thanks to an equally fanatical belief in White Christian supremacy (thats a different topic). 

1400 years of almost continuous conquest would convince even the most reluctant skeptic.  And so Islam has been able to attract and retain followers - albeit largely through a reign of terror. 

What muslims in general and Pakis in particular have failed to detect is the sea change affected by a) the Industrial revolution and b) the Information revolution. 

Pace of social, political, technological and industrial change witnessed in the 20th century has been unprecedented.  Communism, Nazism, colonialism have come and gone and Muslims have viewed this endless churn  as a failure of non-muslim societies - further reinforcing the delusion of Islamic infallibility. 

Not surprisingly what muslims failed to understand are the fundamental shifts driving this churn. 

The past 100 years have witnessed more change than the preceding 1000 years combined.  Almost every nation has been touched by this progress.  Even the poorest regions of India and Africa are marching towards an improved standard of living.  

Pakistan has been the exception to this rule.  Its steadfast adherence to a 7th century system which celebrates the afterlife at the expense all joy, happiness and freedom in this life has meant that its standard of living has slipped with the pace pf decline accelerating over the past 2 decades. 

The question often asked is why this change has bypassed the muslim world.  Even in nations enriched by petro dollars. 

One has to only look at the pictures of pre-oil Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey and other Islamic nations.  The ruling class in each of these Islamic countries were westernized and working towards suppressing their populations' Islamic instincts.   Islam was in a state of stagnation if not out right decline. 

Oil interrupted this progress.  Arabs affected a faustian bargain and traded Islamic reform for billions in oil wealth. 

Part of this bargain was to redirect Islamic supremacist forces away from the Arab world.  It was only partly successful.  Whereas dictatorships and monarchies and vast fortunes kept the Islamic monster under a tenous control in the Arab world it exploded across the world.  With the AfPak region as its epicenter. 

In addition to Arab oil, America's war with the Soviet Union added an additional support structure to the survival and perpetuation of Islamic supremacy. 

Demise of the Soviet Union eliminated this pillar, leaving global dependence on Arab oil as the only factor forcing the world to tolerate Islam. 

That brings us to the current state of Global attitude toward Islam. 

In a nutshell:  Non-muslims the world over are simply fed up with Muslims.  In Western societies, muslims are barely tolerated thanks to the over sensitivity of Whites to being branded 'racist'.  But outside the west, whether in (now) large parts of Europe such as Poland and Russia or China and India, non-muslims see Islam as a major stumbling block to progress and prosperity.   

Elon Musk and Tesla may have dealt a death blow to Islam.  One that will be studied a 100 years from now.  By forcing the rise of energy alternatives, Musk and Climate change advocates have raised the spectre of the end of fossil fuels.  

(American invention of fracking, discovery of new reserves off the Brazilian coast and other regions further diminished global dependence on Arab oil)

Economic collapse in the Arab world is now a real possibility.  Without social reform and basic freedoms, much needed investments will circumvent the Arab world. 

The recent softening of relations between Saudis and Israel should be seen in this light.  Arab leadership has always been sagacious and they certainly see the writing on the wall.  

Burgeoning populations in the Arab world coupled with a stagnation in oil revenues and drop in job creation is a recipe for revolutions.  Revolutions which will make the 'Arab Spring' look like a footnote in history. 

Another factor worries Arabs.  That of ethnocide via demographic invasion from those who Arabs do not count as 'true' muslims i.e. Muslims from the Indian subcontinent. 

Much as article 370 stripped Kashmiri women's domicile status and other rights upon marrying a non-kashmiri, the Arab world has imposed an ban on Arab girls marrying non-Arab men.  Even if they happen to be sunni muslims.  

This ban has now been extended to Arab men marrying non-arab girls.  

The fear is dilution i.e. Arab culture will survive thanks to the spread of Islam but Arabs themselves stand to go extinct and become an ethnic minority in a decade or two. 

The Indian sub continent now houses over 650 muslims.  Most of them 'dirty' Bengalis, UPites, Keralites, etc.   Imagine if this Muslim ummah exercises its rights to the Arab lands.  Who will stop them.  Both doctrinally (Islam doesnt believe in national borders) and logistically a free movement of Muslims along the green crescent (extending from Arab world to Indonesia) cannot be opposed. 


These factors bring us to Pakistan.  Pakis never miss an opportunity to remind the Arabs that it was Pakistan which helped the Arab world establish its many institutions - providing much needed expertise, labor and leadership - PIA helping set up many Arab airlines is cited as a great example. 

As the only nuclear power in the Muslim world (Iran is still in stealth mode) Pakistan has always fancied itself as the defacto leader of the Muslim world.  

More importantly, Pakistan has fed its people on this myth.  Speak to a Pakistani for even a few minutes and this arrogance leaps out of their deranged arguments with little prompting. 

Rarely will you find a Muslim from any other country speak with such delusions.  They may express faith in the eventual triumph of Islam but few if any will share Pakistan's supremacist delusions. 

This delusion manifests itself in tangible actions, some of which have shocked the world.  The harboring of Osama Bin Laden for 8 long years being one of them. 

These actions have served to convince Pakistan's friends and foes that Pakistan has brain washed itself beyond a point of redemption. 

When even Arab leadership has succumbed to evolving global reconfiguration to befriend Israel, Pakistan's internal mullah lobby has vociferously vetoed any attempt at even acknowledging Israel. 

Namo and his brilliant brain trust have accurately dissected these intermingling forces within the Muslim world are now on the verge of pushing Pakistan off the edge and into a free fall. 

Their brilliance stems not only from the deft handling of competing strains but from their understanding of the broader regional repercussions of Pakistan's eventual demise. 

Covid may prove to the be the final straw.  As nations around the world are working together to serve each other and their respective populations, Pakistan has been left out. 

The few vaccines received are woefully inadequate.  Pakistan's economic dependence on charity of their main sponsors makes it almost impossible that Pakistan could join the global economic recovery.  It is likely that Pakistan will remain a covid hotspot which in turn will result in its exclusion from International travel. 

Internally, Imran Khan is a failed experiment.  The Military is now facing direct assault on its credibility.  The almost monthly revelation of the eyebrow-raising wealth gathered by its generals and their progeny in America and Europe has helped erode their credibility as the protectors of Pakistan and Islam. 

This erosion has resulted in even smaller, militarily weaker nations like Malaysia now giving pakistan the proverbial finger.  Malaysia, for instance, grounded PIA's aircraft for unpaid dues.  

Pakistan's economic collapse may be a few quarters away.  It is argued that most of Pakistan's economy is 'informal' which insulates it from broader economic downturn.  While it may not deliver spectacular growth, an outright economic collapse is averted.  

Its a fair argument but recent events suggest it may have its limit.  After publically refusing to do any business with India, Pakistan is now importing cotton and sugar from India.  One of Pakistan's only exports is apparel.  Without cotton, Pakistan's precarious export economy could take a hit. 

Such desperation indicates that Pakistan's options are narrowing.  Pakistan has 3 sources of income:  Exports, remittances and the begging bowl. 

Remittances are primarily from expats working in the middle east.  As the Arab world closes for Pakistanis, these have started stagnating. 

Exports will take and even bigger hit in the post-covid world.  

With even China choosing to walk away from Pakistan, the begging bowl will run dry. 

A discredited Army, an angry America and an Allah that scares the world - Pakistan's 3 pillars are on shaky ground. 

As Cold War 2.0 takes shape Pakistan is desperately attempting a reset.  But having been China's bitch for 2 decades - publicly declaring its undying love for all things China - this attempt is only serving to reinforce Pakistan's unreliability as an ally. 

If Pakistan can harbor Bin Laden, it wont hesitate to stab China in the back either. 

China's $400 Billion deal with Iran should be seen in this light.  Pakistan has now dropped below nuisance value. 

In a technologically advanced world, a people wedded to a 7th century ideology is not only unwelcome, it is a beast to be feared. 

As India becomes central to the outcome of Cold War 2.0, Pakistan's value further diminishes.  Only China needs Pakistan to keep India in check.  But what use is a weak, beleaguered, deranged Pakistan.  Even China's wildely successful economy cannot carry the burden of 220 million impoverished people.  

Wars are won with economic strength as much as military prowess.  Pakistan has neither.  It is now an international nuisance and a pariah. 

When a freshly minted American President refuses something as trivial and rudimentary as a phone call, you know the world has given up on Pakistan. 

So what happens next? 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Biden-Harris, China and NaMo's India

 To say the world is going through unprecedented times would be an obvious understatement.  But the key question lingering over the world is the Biden administration, its approach to China and the broader implications for India.  

A calculated guess is all we can make at this juncture.  So lets attempt one. 

Situation Analysis:  

The world (including Uncle Sam) does not wish to vanquish or destroy China.  The cost of such an all out conflict would be devastating to the global economy.  Besides China isnt exactly Saddam's Iraq.  

The West wants instead, to inflict enough damage so as to tame the Dragon into honoring a West-Centric world order.  

No nation in the world has the stomach for an all out war (economic or military) with China.  

India must recognize this limitation and frame its posture accordingly. 

Ironically, within this global reticence lies India's greatest advantage. 

Here's why. 

Xi is making the same strategic mistake which is the hallmark of all leaders with delusions of grandeur:  Not only does he want to usher in a century, replacing America as the preeminent global power, he wants to do it under his watch.  

It was the same error committed by Osama and to a lesser extent by Kejriwal. 

Patience is a rare quality, only a few leaders like NaMo and George Washington are blessed with. 

China's aggressive posture with immediate neighbors and its debt fueled land grab across continents has engendered a deep fear across the world.  

However, China's position both as a global consumer and supplier has bestowed an unprecedented leverage in the hands of the CCP. 

Even at its Super Power Zenith, America did not enjoy such economic power. 

Given these well known factors where and how will the new variable 'Biden' affect the dangerously poised situation at India's North-Western borders. 

There's growing apprehension that the freshly minted Biden-Harris duo will pressure India on human rights. 

Biden has 2 Muslims of Kashmiri origin appointed to his cabinet.  Kamala was antagonistic towards India on the Kashmir issue and leading Indian-American leaders (Jaypal, Ro Khanna, Shama Sawant, etc.) within the Democratic party are virulently opposed to NaMo and his popular govt. 

It was as if, Sonia's NAC was uprooted and rehabilitated in the Democratic Party.  Nothing would please this lobby more than watching NaMo humiliated. 

It wont take very long for their voices to grow louder.  But India has 3 very significant points of leverage.  

China, Climate Change and Obama. 

In the immediate short term, India must play for time.  China recognizes this and has begun upping the ante.  The recent discovery of a village built on occupied territories of Arunachal and a road in Gilgit Baltistan is a sort of Chinese pre-war blitzkrieg to both provoke and corner India. 

Biden was a compromise candidate.  The democrates did not unite behind Biden.  Instead they united against Trump. 

The Democratic party is now a conglomerate of disparate interests.  From the environmentalists to social liberals to LGBTQ to Islamists to feminists to.....

Their interests often conflict.  Consider for instance Islamists Vs. LGBTQ vs. African Americans.  Islamists want to kill gays and the Black Baptists want to condemn them to hell as preached in the Bible. 

Similarly a deep, unacknowledged fissure now runs within the feminist movement to the extent where White feminists are being marginalized by African and muslim feminists. 

There's also a growing anger amongst liberals for the pass given to Islamists on their blatantly misogynistic, anti-gay, anti-semitic positions. 

Biden's public proclamations are going to be driven by these competing lobbies.  India will be the obvious soft target.  But Biden is a pragmatist and his actions will be dictated by American interests. 

A deeply divided America will scrutinize every action.  Particularly if American interests are compromised at the alter of domestic interests. 

Biden will need a face saver

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Target is Marathi Manoos

 #Kangana, #Sushant, #Bollywood, #Sena, #Aditya.....the cluster %$&# of cacophony would make a fish market green with envy.  

The early signs of a larger strategy behind the campaign came from Arnab's 'courageous' disrespect for the 50% owners of Mumbai - the Shiv Sena and the the Thackeray family (D Company being the other 50% owners).  

There was simply no way in which a journalist could use the language and demeanor for the Sena, sitting in their bastion without the tacit backing of a massive power source.  

That power source being Amit Shah and the Sangh Parivar. 

The Sangh had decided to not only teach Sena a lesson but to launch a final assault to permanently finish off the Sena. 

The shenanigans which India has witnessed over the past month are not a mere tamasha to humiliate Sena but to politically destroy Sena and its first family. 

Sena draws all its power from the love harbored for it by the Marathi Manoos.  That the high and mighty have bowed at the feet of Balasaheb gives the average Maharastrian a secret pleasure and remains a source of pride. 

That the rich and famous would genuflect and cower in fear at the mere grunt of the Tiger makes up for the 'humiliation' of having to cede ground to non-Maharastrians in their every day lives. 

Coupled with the Robinhood folklore of legendary middle leadership of the Sena have sealed Sena's votebank in Sena's pocket burrow. 

So it follows, that the the only way to undermine the Sena is to turn its core votebank against it.  

And the best way to achieve that goal is to expose Sena's betrayal of the values the Marathi Manoos holds dear to his/her heart. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

ModAmerica - Did China walk into a trap

As details of China's aggression in Galwan Valley have emerged two questions have perplexed experts and laymen alike. 

China has taken over strategic mountain top locations and brought in heavy construction equipment.  None of these actions could happen without Indian intelligence having noticed it.  Not on a barren terrain and in the age of satellite and drone saturation. 

So the logical second question comes up.  Why did Indians not react in a timely manner.  At the very least Indian Army could have moved in and taken up positions to freeze Chinese actions. 

The answers to these questions lie within NDA's political actions.  Having followed and tracked PM Modi for almost 20 years now, I can say this with the greatest of confidence that he does not make loud pronouncements.  And neither does his trusted deputy HM Amit Shah. 

But ever since Article 370 was scrapped and J&K trifurcated,  Amit Shah in particular, have gone to town on how they plan to take back POK.  India's DM Rajnath Singh has played up the intention as well. 

It made no real sense.  Why would you publicly declare your intention and surrender the element of surprise?  Why warn your enemy and help them prepare for a possible attack. 

A panicky Pakistan has gone into hyper preparation.  Moving assets closer to the border and freaking out at the mere sight of a MIG on the India side of the border. 

As you place all these pieces in place an interesting picture emerges.  Was the intention to bait China into taking some action and then using the 'attack' to justify a grand alliance with the US? 

There's no way India's political equations would allow such an alliance in peace time.  From the loony Left to the Hindutva Right, India has a huge number of skeptics vis-a-vis an American alliance.  Given America's unreliability and a use-and-discard policy it has adopted with former allies, this reticence is partly justified. 

However, it does not take into account the altered global and regional realities.  A Chinese attack was perhaps the only way India could justify an alliance and railroad its way over local political opposition. 

Indians as a people have always admired America and the two democracies are natural allies.  The large number of American CEOs of Indian descent is just one example of how seamlessly Indians fit in with the American way of life and the broader American ideals of freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness. 

Galwan was the perfect way to push India into a long term grand alliance on the lines of the alliance Post-war Japan nurtured and constructed with the Americans. 

The alliance holds great promise beyond military cooperation.  American businesses fleeing from China could provide the same level of management, tech and financial expertise and support to Indian companies which they provided to China over the past 20 years without incurring the risk of IP theft and military threat. 

Indians would have no problem in trading prosperity for American Hegemony as long as America doesnt take India and Indian concerns for granted. 

As long as America leaves wiggle room for India to posture on issues pertaining to Iran, etc. an Indo-US alliance could prove as effective as the Marshall plan. 

A new world order is taking shape and history may recognize June 16th, 2020 as the date it was birthed on the slopes of Himalayan moutains in the Galwan valley.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Galwan - America the Joker in the Pack

Experts have given several reasons for America's public restrain on China's aggression in Ladakh.  

Why, it is argued, is America silent if China has emerged as enemy #1.  The reason is fairly straightforward.  A limited set back to India in its conflict with China fits perfectly into America's plans. 

A 'defeated' India with a highly publicized Chinese occupation in Ladakh will have few options other than to align completely with American interests.  No more non-alignment. 

More importantly, a Chinese 'victory' will neutralize India's domestic anti-American lobby.  From CPI to Urban Naxals and a section of the Sangh. 

Another major benefits accrues to the Americans for being hands-off at this juncture.  American business fleeing out of China would find an Indian society very open and susceptible to its charms. 

If played deftly, India could gain significantly from the emerging alignment of the new world order. 

Imagine, American sagacity and discipline married with Indian ingenuity. 

We could be the first alliance to master space travel, dismantle the Communist-Islamist alliance and usher in a 1000 years of peace. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

China - Galwan and Beyond

In almost any conflict, it is very easy to get drawn into the events at hand.  China's aggression in Ladakh is one such event.  The pundits are grappling for an explanation.  Why would China take the risk now, given the plethora of challenges it faces on multiple fronts.  

Indians (as would be expected) are chalking up this aggression to China's domestic weakness.  Or more importantly the supposed challenges Xi Jinping is facing within the CCP.   

This is wishful thinking.  Galwan happened not because China is weak but because Pakistan is at the weakest point in its history. 

As explained in earlier posts ( represents China's biggest strategic investment and the key to its super power ambitions beyond the South China Sea.  

Recent reports of the massive scale of corruption within the much celebrated CPEC project give us an insight into how comprehensively China has taken over Pakistan.  

This Chinese 'land grab' has coincided with Pakistan's descent into an economically failed state.  Even expat Pakistanis are refusing to invest in their country. 

Additionally, their Muslim allies across the Arab have sensed their beggarly economic status and have decided to abandon them.  Throwing small crumbs in their direction for old times sake. 

China now remains Pakistan's only dependable 'ally'. 

India's decision to abrogate Article 370 was never a one-off move.  It was part of a much larger strategic initiative to achieve multiple objectives: 

1. Take back POK 
2. End CPEC 
3. Cut off Chinese access to the Arabian Sea and through it the middle east 
4. Dismember Pakistan 
5. Establish land access to Afghanistan 

China cannot afford an Indo-Pak war.  Any such conflict will have 3 possible outcomes.  None of which favor China. 

1. Pakistan is defeated and India takes back POK 
2. India makes limited gains but stalls CPEC and all the assets China wants to build 
3. A limited, localized nuclear exchange which, again, permanently destroys CPEC and Pakistan as a Vassal state, a West Coast North Korea if you will.

Much has been made of how India (under Chinese threat) is moving closer to the United States.  But actually in equal measure, it is the USA which is rolling out the red carpet for India given its emerging Cold War with China. 

Pakistan's dependence on American military hardware makes it a sitting duck in the event of a war that extends beyond the first week or two.  Over the past several years, reports have emerged of how Pakistan is cannablising its own F-16s for parts to keep their main stay fighter jets in war readiness.  They have also sought help from Turkey (a NATO ally with its own F-16 fleet) in this regard. 

If Pakistan's main defenses are on such tenterhooks, what does it say about their other military assets.  Tanks, Howitzers, Transport aircraft, wouldnt all these be facing the same shortages.  Over the years China has supplemented some of this Pakistani hardware with their own jets and other military assets.  But these have never been battle tested. 

The J-10, introduced as recently as 2007 is based old Soviet designs and apart from Chinese vassal state has found few takers on the international market. 

China cannot possibly replace Pakistan's aging American hardware accumulated over several decades.  The cost would be staggering. 

Given these factors, China's decision to engage India at Galwan can be explained by only one insight - Preemptive Strike. 

Prevention, in the Chinese strategic doctrine, has emerged as the primary strategy.

China wants to prevent an Indian attack at all costs.  Galwan wasnt about land grab or salami cuts or any of the conventional reasons belted out by experts. 

It has been executed to scare Indians into not attacking Pakistan. 

Once we understand this, we can now take the appropriate measures to counter China. 

And the best way to counter China is to play possum and take this Chinese humiliation while continuing with the preparation for a war with Pakistan. 

There will never be a better chance to permanently and irreversibly counter India's situation with Pakistan than in the next 6 to 12 months. 

Take even 20 kms of strategic depth within POK and Pakistan can do little but witness its own disintegration. 

India should sit back, keep preparing and attack Pakistan at a time and place of our choosing.  The stars are aligned.  Har Har Mahadev. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Beware Brahmins - Hinduism in Peril

Those who have followed this blog and yours truly on social media, know how much I detest the caste system.  There's nothing 'glorious' about it.  And contrary to what caste supremacist believe, caste system did not save Hinduism.  It was the primary reason for Hindus being enslaved by barbarian after barbarian.   

That it has survived is thanks to great warriors like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj who put everything on the line to save this great source of knowledge and wisdom we call Hinduism. 

Interestingly enough, the only (yes the only) true Hindu King to ever rule any part of India during 1000 years of slavery was humiliated by the said caste system.  No Brahmin priest would perform his coronation ceremony cause he didnt belong to the right Kshatriya caste.  But I digress. 

Let us discuss the central point of this post.  Brahmins are under a systematic and well orchestrated attack.  With the primary objective being to subdue and eventually (either physically or ideologically) neutralize them and hasten the demise of Hinduism. 

From the attacks in Palghar to the well coordinated campaign across media platforms, Brahmins are being painted as the enemy.  The oppressors.  Who must be made to pay for the crimes of their ancestors.  

This is the same strategy adopted globally by both Muslims and Christians for two millennia.  Eliminate the clergy of any faith and the faith falls apart.  From South American Aztecs and Incas to Egypt to Kashmiri and Goan Brahmin priests - All have been subjected to the same atrocities.  Butchered in the most heinous fashion.  You cut of the head and the body falls apart.  

Both Islam and Christianity are particularly insecure about their congregational faiths.  Unless the faithful are not forced into the pews or on to the mats they will start thinking for themselves and turn away from their respective faiths.  It is no surprise that Christianity fell apart in Europe once the followers stopped attending Church. 

It is for this reason that despite the clear danger posed by Covid, leaders of both religions were insistent on hosting their weekly gatherings.  

Given this dynamic, they extrapolate the same centrality to Brahmins within Hinduism and see them as the biggest road block to finally overpower and eventually extinguish Hinduism.  

Kill/Neutralize the Brahmin and the count down begins. 

Brahmins in particular and Upper Caste Hindus in general are partly to blame for this state of affairs.  There's no doubt a sense of superiority within Upper caste Hindus who simply consider their birth to place them on a higher perch.  Giving them a permanent membership to an exclusive club. One that is not open to their lower caste brethren. 

 Over the years I have observed this sense of 'lower castes being lesser Hindus' permeate across India and this divide and segregation has created a fertile hunting ground for evangelical ideologies. 

We have left our gates wide open for the barbarians to waltz right through.  Is it any surprise that successive, minuscule, inferior invaders have come to India, conquered large swaths and ruled over us. 

The Battle of Koregaon which Dalits celebrate is actually the direct consequence of caste divide.  Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the first to recruit Mahars (Dalit untouchables) into his army.  He never discriminated based on caste.  The fledgling army he conjured up at the tender age of 16 was comprised primarily of mavale - the local tribal/agrarian community.  The recent movie - Tanhaji - was based on the life of Shivraya's ablest general - Tanhaji Malasure - belonging to the Koli caste. 

And that little army the Chatrapati built would one day take down two Islamic Empires - First Adil Shah then Aurangzeb.  Moreover it would keep the Portugese in check and neutralize their proselytizing agenda. 

This is not to suggest that Maharaj was able to dissolve caste differences or eliminate caste as a factor, but in deeply divided society, through shear charisma, leadership and an appeal to 'Hindavi Swaraj - Hindu Self rule' - he was able to unite Hindus into a lethal force. 

It helped that his complete selflessness and willingness to repeatedly place life, limb, sons and daughters on the line, galvanized Hindus as a society for the first time in their history as a slave nation. 

Sadly soon after the Peshwa taking over the reins of the Maratha Empire, this push toward egalitarianism gradually disappeared.  The Mahar regiment was disbanded.  A war hardened military force was discarded for the sole 'crime' of belonging to a lower caste.  These Mahars soon switched sides and became the very back bone of the British army. 

The rest is history.  

The enemies of Hinduism have understood this history.  They have realized that the only way to destroy Hinduism is by playing up the fault lines.  Fault lines that are innate to Hindu society.  

Sadly, Hindus continue to provide unlimited fodder to feed this strategy.  I recently saw a tweet (since deleted) by an educated, upper caste, NRI who made the following claim:  "Only those who have had an Upanayana ceremony can call themselves Hindus". 

My jaw hit the floor when I read this tweet.  Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj did not wear this thread.  His Upanayana ceremony was conducted only as a prerequisite to his Coronation.  

Let that sink in.  The greatest Hindu Warrior King - Without whose courage, sacrifices and infinite wisdom, Hinduism wouldnt exist - WASNT A TRUE HINDU.  

As per this belief (and I'm afraid a very large number of Hindus share this belief)  "No Upanayana - Not a Hindu" - Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj wasnt a true Hindu. 

It is this Caste Supremacist belief that must be butchered and buried.  Either Hindus unite and Hinduism survives or Hindus spend their egos and their energies in preserving the Caste System and perish. 

The choice cannot be clearer. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Kejriwal 2.0 - Mr. Natwarlal Could be a contender 2029.

Delhi Elections have been a revelation, not in terms what each contender has done, but rather in terms of what each hasnt done. 

Natwarlal has exhibited the one quality he has lacked as a fledgling politician i.e. to learn from his mistakes and make a course correction. 

For almost a decade of his existence as a political contender/public figure, Natwarlal has railed against every political leader.  From Sheila Dikshit to Sonia Parivar to NaMo. 

His most virulent hatred has been reserved for India's beloved PM.  And it has backfired.  Post 2019, has however, seen a different Natwarlal.  One who has shown great discipline in avoiding any mention of the PM.  Infact, going out of his way to selectively support BJP's agenda by simply being silent. 

Natwarlal has also borrowed a leaf from BJP's book.  His Delhi governance model has followed this strategy to near perfection

BJP has done the same with great success - housing, Jan Dhan, Mudra, etc.  But Natwarlal doing it in Delhi gives it the kind of visibility that is worth its weight in gold.  And it is this strategy coupled with his new found discipline which could propel him to the national stage as a contender.  

Many hurdles remain and his very rise could become the milestone around his political neck.  But a path, albeit uncharted, is now faintly visible.   

1. Congress has essentially outsourced the job of stopping BJP to AAP.  If in the run up to 2024, Congress and others see a ray of hope in projecting Natwarlal as PM candidate, they may make the ultimate 'sacrifice' and support Kejriwal as the corruption-free, Muslim friendly face of the Opposition. 

2. UP, MP, Rajasthan elections will be held in the run up to 2024 LS elections, BJP victories in these states are likely to fuel deep fear and anxiety - on a scale, big enough for Natwarlal to project himself as the Messiah 

3. Natwarlal has stumbled upon the formula to stop BJP - stop supporting anti-India rhetoric, let media allies do the talking, appease Muslims by using proxies to support their agenda and deliver on corruption-free mai baap better than BJP

4. I initially felt Maya/Mamta/Akhilesh and others would not allow Natwarlal to emerge.  But much as NaMo rose by leading a 'Presidential' campaign which side stepped the need for coalition politics, Kejriwal could emerge as a contender by going directly to the people. 

5. Threshold for Kejriwal is much, much lower.  50 seats may be enough for Kejriwal to do a Deve Gowda.

How does BJP counter these moves: 

1. Double down on Corruption-free, Mai Baap 

2. Go full throttle on anti-corruption, force Kejriwal to defend his potential supporters - Pawar, Sonia, etc. 

3. Revive the economy, by all means possible. SEZs, Medical Tourism, massive infrastructure spending, etc. 

4. Increase MP - local funds from Rs. 2 Cr to Rs. 20 Cr. - so changes can be implemented at local levels to connect Central schemes directly with BJP 

I'll update this blog with more ideas. 

But its Game on.  BJP better not fall asleep at the wheel. 


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Citizenship Amendment Bill - The Unceremonious Death of Sickularism

As accepted, CAB has triggered sickulars across India.  Just as they were coming to terms with the scrapping of Article 370, Team NaMo has delivered another knock out blow.  

PM Modi is on a roll.  God Bless Him.  

Neither BJP's actions nor Sickular reactions should come as a surprise to even the casual observer of goings on in India.  What is, however, a big surprise is the muted response from the usual suspects. SP, BSP, Nitish, NCP and even the Congress have paid little more than lip service to the arguments opposing this bill. 

It suggests a fundamental, tectonic shift taking place in the thinking within India's secular political establishment.  

The past 10 years have witnessed a complete dynastic takeover of Indian politics.  But this takeover has had to contend with a growing list of claimants from within the family ranks. Akhilesh has his uncles and cousins, Pawar has his nephews and grand nephews, etc. 

Within this dynamic, India's sickular establishment must now come to terms with a threat that will only grow exponentially in the coming years. 

The rise of the Muslim vote.  Heretofore, Muslims have been a useful political tool.  Giving their votes en bloc to those who succumb to the worse elements within Islam's extremist leadership.  

However a rapidly growing Muslim population is likely to yield home grown parties such as Owaisi's which can legitimately claim that they have reached a critical mass so as to win 30-40 Lok Sabha seats on their own. 

A second possibility is the rise of competing Muslim parties which will further sideline sickular established parties and only bargain with them in post poll scenarios. 

Both scenarios present a disturbing choice to Sonia, Pawar and their ilk.  

In the current paradigm, Sickular parties begin with a head start, a handicap if you will.  The dedicated 15-20% muslim vote allows them an easy path to victory.  

If this vote bank is no longer available to them, their chances of ever returning to power with a comfortable majority are slim to none.  A fragmented govt with squeeze out the close family members giving rise to competing rival parties laying claim to a common family legacy.  Shiv Sena/MNS being a good example. 

Moreover, the rise of Muslim parties will drive Hindus to unite as a vote bank.  BJP would be the sole beneficiary of this consolidation. 

The muted, almost comatose response of sickular parties must be taken as a tacit approval.  Pawar/Sonia and Co need the CAB as much as the BJP. 

BJP now has a silent ally in its war on Islamism.  Dont be surprised if these parties 'support' BJP when voter lists are purged off of illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators.  

Sickularism is dying an unceremonious death.  This is the greatest victory of PM Modi and his team. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The BJP is Losing........

Results of LS 2009 elections dealt a body blow to what little hope the Hindu Right harbored to save their god forsaken country.  The gleeful expressions on faces of Congress' darbaris would come to haunt Hindus for the rest of their lives.  It was the lowest point for BJP and the larger Sangh Parivar.  The defeat was even greater than the shock defeat of 2004.  2009 meant Sonia's agenda was well established and India had irreversibly endorsed the path of pseudo secularism.  2009 was the culmination of a series of stumbles beginning with LKA's leftward shift to PramodM's assassination and its ugly fallout. 

India's Right Wing was truly and soundly defeated.  It would seem it was safe to assume that Congress and/or its many regional clones would extend their control over all levers of power and in due course of time decimate what little was left of India's Hinduness. 

But as Sonia and her darbaris celebrated one more foreign invader ruling over India, they missed two important facts.  

1) Though BJP+ was decimated, their vote bank was intact.  It hadnt switched sides.  
2) LKA's last hurrah would yield space to new leadership, untainted by the ghosts of the past, allowing BJP to unload its baggage and make a fresh start 

Watching the results of Haryana/MH coupled with the close call in Gujarat, one cant help but draw parallels between Congress' post 2009 smug arrogance and BJP's misplaced confidence circa 2019. 

All three states should be natural Hindutva strongholds.  MH and Haryana have strong local leaders with a spotless reputation. 

In all three states, Opposition was comatose with no real state leadership, massive infighting, weak or absent organization and most importantly no real agenda - positive or negative. 

Despite these headwinds faced by the opposition, BJP faced a close call in Haryana and in MH has come to depend on a schizophrenic ally.  

Something isnt adding up.  Lets try to make sense of it. 

  1. BJP is NaMo and NaMo is BJP.  Though this works wonders in LS elections, eventually, the law of diminishing returns will kick in.  Two forces - if aligned at the right time - could dent NaMo's appeal:  
    1. A clean leader rises up from within opposition ranks.  (Note:  Kejriwal had the potential to be such a clean leader, but he was too stupid and too infatuated with NaMo to ever pose a challenge - he's just not a 'Lambi race ka Ghoda') 
    2.  A scandal close to NaMo's inner circle engulfs BJP - Jay Shah, for example, getting tainted by betting infested IPL
  2. BJP's core support base may be driven by Hindutva agenda but the incremental vote which has propelled BJP to 303 LS seats is driven by economic concerns.
  3. BJP has done a stellar job controlling inflation but an aspirational India is demanding more. 
  4. BJP/NaMo are now competing with their own commitments and not the increasingly distant sins of Congress+
  5. If an organizationally decimated Opposition could almost humble the BJP's well oiled electoral war machine, a close call in 2024 is a real possibility 
  6. Having opposition ruled states undermines PM's agenda and makes the delivery of central schemes patchy at best (Ayushman Bharat for instance) 
  7. BJP's good intentions are hurting the aam admi - even though they may be put in place to protect and benefit the aam admi.  New Road safety law is a great example.  Such schemes must be put in place after govt. has done its part of improving road conditions, installing road safety technology.  

Following are the some humble suggestions from someone who has never wavered in his belief in PM Modi. 

  1. In the run up to 2007 Gujarat polls, then CM Modi made a verifiable pitch to Gujarati voters.  He said "on every corner of every village/city, you will see signs of development/progress.  A new bus stand, a freshly paved street, a new water connection, etc.  I'm bringing progress to your door step".  BJP has perfected booth level campaigning, it must now perfect booth level economic development.  
  2. By its very nature, Prime Ministership requires its occupant to focus on the 'macro' and not get caught up in the 'micro'.  Macro policies aka attracting investment, improving ease of doing business, etc. should be the focus but PM Modi may run out of time waiting for benefits of these monumental structural shifts to trickle down to the aam admi.  The common man wants solutions now, he has waited 70 years.  There's no reason why macro and micro cannot go hand-in-hand or in parallel.  The two arent mutually exclusive.  
  3. Focus on the basket.  The Modi sarkar needs to identify the top 5-10 items that every Indian needs and place a laser focus on them.  This is not to suggest that the 11 to 50 ranked items can be ignored.  But showing tangible progress on these fundamental items will go much further and cement their hold on power beyond the next election cycle. 
  4. Go public with the mess in the banking sector.  Explain to the aam admi how India's preferred 'Business Model' was to set up companies only to use them as a ruse to bride bank officials and politicians to borrow large sums from public sector banks and then keep rolling the debt.  Take India into confidence on how real economic boom will be ushered in when this old Business model of loot is replaced with a real economic model based on fair and transparent policies

Hope BJP is still receptive to ideas/suggestions from its life long supporters. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Towards a New Indian Economy

Almost a decade back I had explained PM Modi's economic doctrine (see link below).  In a nutshell it could be described as providing a corruption free Mai-baap sarkar i.e. Corruption free socialism. 

And it worked wonders for him - first in Gujarat and then at the national level.  

Since winning a massive mandate in 2019, PM Modi has surprised supporters and opponents alike, by the general drift he has seemingly allowed to creep into India's economy.  

His legendary political reflexes are conspicuous by their absence.  One could argue that scrapping Articles 370 and 35A had the govt. preoccupied with a matter critical to India's safety and her future. 

The one piece that has remained out of place in India's slumping economic story is Narendra Damodardas Modi.  Having followed his every action in great detail, his calm, hands off approach seems baffling. 

There are two conclusions to draw from India's economic drift (it's not a crisis yet). 

1. PM Modi is out of touch with reality and India's slumping economy is a function of his lack luster leadership or 
2. PM Modi is laying the ground work for a tectonic shift in India's economic landscape 

I have no doubt it is the latter.  Allow me to explain. 

To establish a truly market driven economy, India must rid itself of the other side of dynasty driven politics i.e. Crony Capitalism (CC).  

Dynastic politics and Crony capitalism are two sides of the same coin.  One cannot survive without the other. Both feed off of each other and one cannot survive the other.  Left untouched, CC has the potential to engineer a revival of dynasties in the future. 

Consider the following lesson from history.  Indira Gandhi was driven out by voters, her come back was largely due to the inept handling of governance by the Hodge podge alliance that replaced her.  But what fueled her phoenix like rise was the support of India's foremost Crony Capitalist aka Dhirubhai Ambani. 

Political Dynasties and CC work hand in hand.  They have deep relationships.  For instance, some very big Politicians not only gather funds from said CC but enjoy significant stakes in these businesses.  There's a reason why Sharad Pawar cannot be touched.  Through various benami fronts he holds significant stakes in top Indian companies.  

To break this stranglehold, PM Modi is draining the very financial resources which sustain these CC entities.  The timing (as always) is perfect.  It may take 2-3 years for these entities to be weakened to a point where they can no longer prevent green shoots from emerging, green shoots i.e. new industrial power houses who play by the rules and do not subvert the system to create quasi monopolies, duopolies and oligopolies. 

p.s. PM Modi has taken a similar strategy to destroy dynasties (

Mai Baap Sarkar aka Corruption Free Socialism

Saturday, July 27, 2019

BJP - The New Congress (or is it?)

Modiuddin, 2nd Manmohan, are but a few pejoratives toss around by angry Hindutva's social media warriors.  And though their reactions may be justified at some level, they are misplaced. 

Scores of BJP activits and Hindus are being attacked via systematic campaign by Islamic social radicals (ISR).  From Love Jihad to Cow smuggling to temple desecration and systematic ethnic cleansing Hindus remain at the receiving end of these barbaric acts. 

And the irony of it all is that Hindus are being portrayed as aggressor, the intolerant, the communal.  

It is but natural that BJP supporters would unleash their anger against the first truly Hindu ruler to occupy Delhi's throne in 700 years. 

But their angry reaction is emblematic of all that is wrong with Hindus and helps explain why Hindus have remained victims for centuries.  

 There's an old saying in Marathi "Shivaji parat janma la yava, pan sezarachai gharat" - Shivaji should be reborn, but in the neighbor's family." 

Indians in general and Hindus in particular, expect someone else to do the heavy lifting, the dirty work.  They will not lift a finger beyond voting and screaming about it. 

If Hinduism is under severe attack, Hindus themselves are partly to blame for their plight. 

Few of those unleashing their rage at PM Modi, provide any feasible solutions.  What do they expect the PM to do?  Kill 25 crore Muslims?  

Ethnically cleanse Muslims out of India?  If they even consider such a solution, they deserve the cold shoulder BJP is giving them. 

But BJP does have long term solutions and is quietly working towards achieving them.  The very nature of this strategy is that it has to follow legal process so as to meet not only Indian constitutional statutes but also accepted international norms. 

Take for example two key solutions which will help India restore geographical and demographic balance back in favor of Hindus. 

The appointment of his most trusted general - Amit Shah - as Home Minister is the first step in achieving these solutions. 

1. Kashmir:  PM Modi has initiated the process to redrawing electoral boundaries so that seats in J&K are distributed as per population density and not in favor of Muslim majority Kashmir and against Jammu and Ladakh.  Such an effort will most likely lead to the first Hindu CM of J&K who can initiate the process of full integration with India.  Such a line would ensure completely legality of the process and make it beyond reproach both domestically and internationally. 

2. NRC:  The process to identify illegal aliens (primarily from Bangladesh) and deporting them would do wonders for urban India and reduce the threat of a demographic invasion significantly.  HM Shah has already declared that NRC will be applied nationwide and the process has been initiated. 

Unlike Internet warriors, PM Modi and his team have to come up with real, tangible solutions.  

The PM could offer lip service, condemn killing of Hindus, or go into his Gujarat mode, but none of these would bring any real change on the ground.  

Moreover, making such seemingly partisan statements would bring a swift international backlash and needlessly hurt India's carefully cultivated standing with key allies like Iran and America. 

So before keyboard warriors stage a collective walkout from the ranks of BJP supporters, they should give PM Modi a chance.  He wont jump ship and become a congressi.  He's just cut from a different cloth. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

PM's Muslim Outreach: Strategy and Rising Hindu Backlash

Within the first 18 months of his first tenure as PM, NaMo did the unthinkable.  He invited Nawaz Sharif to his swearing-in and worst of all, went unannounced to Pakistan to hug the same Nawaz as a show of personal friendship.  All this despite Pakistan's well proven status as India's worst nightmare. 

Core BJP supporters (me included) were disappointed and deeply hurt, to say the least.  But somewhere deep down most of us knew we only had to trust the man.  He wouldnt betray us.  He had eschewed wearing the skull cap.  He was our one man army. 

As more of his tenure unfolded the riddle explained itself.  PM Modi was buying time.  To fix India's economy, to fix her eviscerated intelligence network and replenish her military reserves. 

And once he had his pieces in place he pounced.  Sending Pakistan into a tail spin, from which it may never recover. 

As the media tom-toms NDA2's biggest muslim outreach, Hindu India is up in arms.  The outrage is pouring out - 'Modiuddin', 'Nehru'....are only some of the lesser monikers doing the round. 

To these I say 'have patience' my fellow Internet Hindus.  Your myopia is now legendary. And when it comes to NaMo you have always had to eat your words. 

So here's what could be the real strategy behind the Muslim outreach (in order of importance):  

1. Liberate Muslim Women:   Islam like most other religions has 3 key weaknesses - Independent Women, Apostates and Shias.  Promote these to achieve a critical mass and the religion will cross a point of no return.  It is no wonder that the religion puts such emphasis on the control and subjugation of women.  From what muslim women wear, to who can see their faces, to what the study....everything is tightly controlled.  Much like other conservative societies, when women find independence the old order collapses.  Speak to any conservative Muslim and you get the feeling that they understand this weakness.  Muslim women most resemble African slaves.  Controlled, subjugated and kept in line by house negros aka other Muslim women.  

Educating Muslim women is the primary aim of the new policy.  But it cannot be blatantly obvious.  Hence the inclusion of Muslim men.  Even if 1 in 1000 Muslim girls graduating from these education initiatives find a voice the resulting fissures would shake global islam to its very core. 

2. Diluting hold of Madarassas:  Imagine reading the Koran at 9 am and STEM subjects at 10 am.  The contrast is bound to engender deep doubts in the minds of even the most devout and obedient students.  Basic human curiosity would then come in direct conflict with religious indoctrination and once again compel students to question Islam's teachings:  Flat earth, flying horses, etc. 

Much as rise of science and technology have devastated Western Christianity so will teaching STEM subjects force muslim students to question their beliefs. 

One may ask how come Hindu scientists remain a devout lot.  Well that is because Hinduism is never forced.  Its willingness to accept logical challenges to its doctrine have shielded it and in fact enhanced its value in the eyes of its followers. 

Islam being an all-or-nothing proposition, even the slightest challenge is likely to cause deep fissures.  Fissures which may lead to its eventual dilution and demise. 

3. Hindu Vedic Schools:  President G W Bush launched something called 'Faith based Initiatives' where in state funds were funneled to church organizations to support their charity work.  Which as nothing but the blatant promotion of Christianity.  But by keeping it avowedly faith neutral GW could help his Christian organizations by throwing a few crumbs at non-Christian religious orgs. 

PM Modi's strategy may be on similar lines.  Now when his govt. announces Vedic Schools or supports Hindu initiatives, few could oppose them.  It is another trap.  Much as Ganga Bachao Andolan could not be opposed by anti-Hindu forces, a pro Hindu education policy would render all opponents impotent now that PM Modi has supported  massive initiative to educate Muslims. 

So my fellow Internet Hindus, cure your myopia and let the man do his job.   He's the best there's ever been. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Rise of Priyanka in 2024

Congress' 2019 campaign made no sense from the get go.  After winning a morale boosting victory in December, Congress lost the plot. What seemed like a easy 120-140 seats and a shot at the top job, Congress seems to be fighting to survive and keep upstarts from usurping what little is left of the Congress. 

Congress started by peddling a dream i.e. The MahaGhatBandhan (MGB) to take on the Mighty NaMo-AmSh combo. 

And everything seemed to be falling in place.  But in a few short weeks reality seemed to have caught on.  A MGB was only possible if Congress ceded significant territory to accommodate partners in key states. 

Doing this would be prove to be the last nail in Congress' coffin.  With every 2-bit regional satrap salivating over the possibility of pulling a Deve Gowda, Congress was caught in a bind.  

Stitch up a national level MGB and defeat the BJP or concede defeat to BJP and live to fight another day.  And Congress strategists have decided to go with the latter. 

Enter PriyankaV (PV).  

Pappu is least interested politics.  Like most Babalog he's in it to protect his ill gotten wealth, which only political power can protect. 

PV seems more passionate for the job and given her religious upbringing, sees politics as an extension of religious crusade as proposed by the holy father. 

Pappu and his team has not realized that his time is up.  This is his last election.  Either he steps aside or becomes a figure head.  In either case the power moves to PV post May 23. 

Team PV has done the right political calculation.  In their mind the best scenario is a severely fragmented mandate with NaMo as head of a very weak coalition govt. 

There's no way she would want an Akhilesh or a Tej Pratap or even a Kanahiya kumar grow stronger and permanently wipe out Congress from the Hindi Heartland. 

It would not be a surprise if PV was behind all attempts to form local alliances across India between relevant regional parties such as AAP, SP, BSP, etc. 

Every opposition leader has invested heavily in anti-NaMo campaign.  A resounding NaMo win will discredit every leader from Akhilesh to RajT.  Which in turn will create a massive political vacuum in opposition ranks.  And here's where PV will make her move.  To become the crusading woman who  will take on NaMo.  

The fulcrum around which a long term alliance could be built.  With the Muslim-Dalit-Bramhin  (MDB) votebank as its bedrock. 

BJP must do one thing right of the bat.  Define PV as the Queen Of Corruption.  The power which allowed Robert to become a billionaire. 

Force her into a reactive mode from the get got.  Unleash the legal hounds on her and keep her in a state where everything she says reminds voters of her role in the big loot. 

Going soft on her could prove disastrous in 2024.  UPA scams will be a distant memory by then and NaMo may be considering retirement or at the very least a massive war of succession will be underway within the BJP. A war to occupy that coveted #2 spot. 

In that backdrop, if PV has been allowed to emerge as the face of the opposition, she could become a real threat in 2024.  Most regional satraps will be old and retired or gone.  SharadP, Babu, Maya, etc. would be well past their prime with no successor in place. 

All factors aiding the emergence of PV as the prime (if not the sole) inheritor of opposition space. 

BJP cannot afford a formidable leader of opposition i.e. PV to occupy the space and take India by storm. Ignore her at your own peril BJP. 

p.s. I had maintained from day one that Pappu was pappu and would never emerge as real threat.  PV is a different cup of tea