Monday, December 26, 2016

Waiting for the Muslim Martin Luther - Shazia Ilmi?

Martin Luther the German monk turned professor isnt the best role model to prescribe for a much needed reformation within Islam.  He was rabidly anti-semitic and no doubt contributed to the persecution of Jews.

But he did play a vital role in jolting Christianity into confronting its degeneration under the catholic church where entrance to heaven was sold by the clergy - all sins forgiven. 

Islam is in need of just such a jolt.  External forces can only go so far in defeating Islam's fanatic edge.  An edge that strangely occupies a large swath of its Ummah. 

Islam is a religion for men, by men, of men.  Men enjoy lopsided, disproportionate privileges under Islam - 4 wives, permission to divorce on a whim with no need to pay alimony or child support, take non-muslim women as sex slaves, rape children under the guise of a legalized marriage, etc.

Most of these privileges come at the cost of women.  If a husband, as happened with Mohd. Shami, decides to treat his wife as an equal, the Ummah quickly gangs up on him to make him an example and dissuade other more moderate elements in the community from following his example.

This is not an isolated case.  A celebrity like Shami, living in a non-Muslim country can stand up to the pressure. But what about the poor and middle class Muslims who dare not challenge the orthodoxy in their community.

Another factor in his favor is that his wife belongs to a wealthy muslim family from Bengal and can hope to draw support from those quarters. 

Her less privileged sisters enjoy no such latitude.  A Muslim women living in a Muslim ghetto or even a middle class Muslim neighborhood dare not violate norms set by her community.  

But a ray of hope has emerged from these centuries old record of oppression.  The world is changing at a pace that none can fathom.  

The information age has exposed every last doctrine as the world continues to crowd source the dissection of divine claims and holier-than-thou grand standing.   

Given its isolation, Islam has remained insulated from these global shifts.  But it hasnt remained immune.  

Exhibit A:  Google searches for the most degenerate sexual practices emanate from Pakistan/Afghanistan 

It would be a fair assumption that we would witness a similar behavior out of Saudi Arabia if restrictions to web access were relaxed in that kingdom. 

Bottomline:  Information is seeping through.  Muslim women are witnessing how their counterparts in more liberal societies can live freely and enjoy their most fundamental, god given rights.

Most tightly knit doctrines have this weakness:  Tug at one thread and the entire fabric starts falling apart.  The decline of Christianity can be explained by just such a dynamic.  

In contrast, despite its many short comings, Hinduism's laissez-faire model helped it survive multiple assaults both internal and external.  

For Islam to follow the same trajectory toward reform, a vocal segment from within its ranks would have to find the space to rise up and challenge Mullah's Islam.  

Indian Muslim women may represent that vocal segment.  The space and freedom available to them within a predominantly Hindu society helps shield them from sinister designs of Mullahs in their community. 

83% of Indian Muslim women supporting a ban on triple talaq represent the canary in Mullah's coal mine.  

Never before have so many Muslim women raised their voice and stood up to orthodox forces within their community.

This silent majority is a force waiting to be harvested.  But it must be done judiciously and with great sagacity.  Such a confluence of favorable factors may not emerge for a generation if frittered away.

First and foremost this emerging revolution needs a sootradhar - a leader who can shepherd the reformation by navigating through the deep and wide shark infested waters.

Just as NaMo emerged as the right leader at the right time who could piece together a perfect coalition, Muslim reformation movement (MRM) will need a female Indian Muslim woman possessing the right qualities.

Here's a preliminary list of those qualities:  

1. Educated
2. A practicing Muslim 
3. Courageous
4. A staunch nationalist
5. A brilliant communicator
6. Relatively young - this will be a long drawn out battle
7. Adequately knowledgeable on Islamic scriptures and history
8. A supportive and equally committed family

One individual who fits this bill is Shazia Ilmi.  A further analysis on her credentials is needed but early vetting makes her a front runner.  

The biggest question is this - Is she willing to put everything on the line to win this war for the soul of Islam?