Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chinese Acquisition and Balkanization of Pakistan

China's motivation in Pakistan is multifaceted.

The first two are well known
a) Corner India
b) Build a shorter, alternative route to middle eastern oil resources

But its more sinister objectives are less understood.  When we understand these motives, we come to one simple conclusion - 

The balkanization of Pakistan is well underway

Here's why:

 China's Xinjiang province was once a majority Muslim state.  As they did with Tibet, China used infusion of Han Chinese as a strategy to affect rapid demographic change so that muslims are now a minority in Xinjiang (45%).

 China has poured billions of dollars into raising the standard of living in this natural resource rich territory which also happens to be China's biggest province.

But the economic imbalance between Han majority north and Muslim (Uyghur) dominated south is stark.  

This Uyghur south has the potential to become China's Kashmir.  A small yet motivated minority demanding a separate state based purely on a religious identity.

Clearly Chinese strategists have woken up to the threat radical Islam poses to this resource rich region.  Surrounded as it is on 3 sides by states actively promoting radical, militant Islam.

China has assiduously maintained a neutral position in the war between the West and Islam, hoping perhaps to emerge as the predominant global super power from the resulting detritus much as USofA gain global preeminence in the aftermath of the 2nd world war.

Regular albeit infrequent terror attacks in Xinjiang have provided constant reminders to Beijing of the ulcer festering within its own territory, one which could be used by external powers to drag China into this war.

This realization seems to have dawned on Beijing in the aftermath of the 2011 attacks.

(Chinese authorities make a direct reference to training received by terrorists from across the border in Pakistan.)

Even a firm dressing down by their counterparts in the Red Army failed to persuade ISI from furnishing Beijing with a much needed reassurance that Pakistan's territory would not be used against Chinese interests.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor must be seen in the backdrop of these dynamics.

China's calculation is 3 fold:

1. Make Pakistan economically dependent on China 
2. Position substantial Chinese military assets within Pakistani territory so that terror can be handled at the source
3. Create a buffer zone on the Pakistani side of the border (i.e. Gilgit-Baltistan) which help insulate Xinjiang from direct Jihadi factories based in Pakistan

All three objectives are now close to being accomplished.  

In corporate lexicon, Pakistanis view CPEC as an alliance where as the Chinese see it as an acquisition.

Much as a corporate raider takes a 5%-9% stake in a company before launching a bid for a majority stake, China has nibbled at the border districts with a definite plan to acquire more pieces if and when they become available.

Chinese acquisition of strategically significant pieces of Pakistani territory is in effect balkanization of Pakistan.  

Another factor that buttresses this theory is this: 

Pakistan's ruling Punjabi elite has funneled much of China's proposed $46 Billion investment through Punjab.  Very little is being given to other regions.

It is likely that apart from pipelines and other energy related assets, very little will be invested in the other 3 Pakistani states (Balochistan, Sindh and FATA).  

Is it possible that the Sharif family and the other 20-30 ruling clans of Pakistan have come to the conclusion that Pakistan will cease to exist sooner rather than later and they need to grab as much as they can so as to fortify their positions to deal with this eventuality.

Perhaps China has sensed this nervousness within Pakistani Punjabi ranks and is acting accordingly.  

The $46 billion is unlikely to show up in its entirety.  A country which cannot attract a cricket team to play a month long series is unlikely to attract investments with a decade long investment horizon.

Even the Chinese would be wary of investing in a country where a 15000 strong military unit has to be raised with the sole purpose of protecting commercial interests.

The cost of maintaining CPEC would be so high as to make the entire endeavor cost prohibitive in the long run.

The Chinese establishment understands this and views CPEC as a bait-and-switch strategy.

They dangle the carrot of investment and get both the Pakistani army and its ruling elite to give up key assets (Gawadar Port and Gilgit-Baltistan).  

China gets a naval base right in the heart of Arabian sea at a very strategic location.  If Americans blockade South China Sea, Chinese naval assets at Gawadar can be leveraged to target American oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.

What Pakistan has failed to recognize is that their strategic surrender to the Chinese has made it party to anti-Chinese strategies being developed across jittery western capitals.

Drying up of American military and economic aid must be seen in this light.  

In fact President Obama's treaty with Iran should also be seen in this light (will blog about this in a few weeks).

But the bottomline is this:

In the grand game between super powers, there's only one certain loser i.e. Pakistan.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Media Vs. PM Modi

In the run up to 2009 elections, at a meeting with BJP supporters, Mr. Arun Jaitley was asked about media's anti-BJP bias.  A clearly irritated Jaitley dismissed it as a factor of little to no consequence. 

But before we chalk it up to Mr. Jaitley soft corner for his carefully cultivated media coterie, let me remind you that the larger Sangh & BJP leadership including Mohanji, PM and Amit bhai share the same view on media and media management.

  "We have won many an election with full weight of the media raged against us.  Media doesnt matter".

The unimpeachable personal integrity of PM Modi serves as a shield that protects BJP from media's relentless onslaught.
While this is a fair argument, what Team NaMo needs to realize is that media has upped the ante.  
The sinister role played by well known media hit men and women in helping flame recent disturbances in Kashmir Valley is an obvious example.

With the PM and his team controlling hot heads within the party and taking swift action against the usual suspects, media and their CONg masters are finding it difficult to sustain the 'intolerance is rising' narrative peddled ever since BJP took office.

In absence of any real issues, media is now manufacturing lies.  Last week's absurd case of sedition filed against a Congress MP 'Ramya' by a Congress government in Karnataka as a consequence of a PIL filed by a Congress member was run by various media houses as another case of BJP's high handedness. 

What we're witnessing is a dangerous escalation of media's war on the BJP and PM Modi.

Couple this escalation with the heartburn caused by PM's vocal support for Balochistan within India's left liberal media ranks and you have the makings of a massive war facing BJP in the months/years ahead.

So how does this new found media aggression hurt BJP:

1. It divides Hindu society (Though Dalit grievances may be legit, sudden media attention suggests a clear plan to break the Hindu social coalition that brought BJP a clear majority)
2. Takes attention away from the stellar performance of Team Modi
- Prices of key commodities (Dal, onions, vegetables) have collapsed across the country, largely due to the efforts of the PM (Maharashtra's abolition of parts of the APMC act is one such measure)
3. Allows India's external enemies to reinforce their lies across global communities by citing Indian media reports as evidence against India's position
4. Establishes a 'fact' trail that can be strung together in run up to 2019 to prove India is intolerant and undemocratic under the BJP
5. But most importantly it angers certain communities - Patels, Jats, Muslims, Dalits, other minorities who can then be instigated to act against the state so the media can then claim "we told you so" on the intolerance debate.

There's simple cure to these media claims.  Another 'Radia' like expose will permanently destroy whatever is left of Indian media's credibility.  

Surely IB and other agencies have enough dirt of key media houses.  Have the govt. release the same through non-state actors, sit back and enjoy tamasha.

The timing should be sooner rather than later.  A controversy of this size will need to be affected 2 years prior to 2019 elections, i.e.  some time around early 2017.  

The accompanying social media storm will drown out media's anti-BJP, anti-PM hit jobs.  With 2 plus years to hammer MSM, the message would percolate across the nation which would work to BJP's advantage as it launches campaign season for 2019.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Balochistan: The Target is China

One week is a lifetime in politics, so goes the adage.  Between India and Pakistan it is 69 years.  Two deftly targeted statements by Indian PM have set off alarm bells in Islamabad.  By including Balochistan, Gilgit and POK within the Kashmir issue, PM Modi has altered conventional talking points on both sides of the border.

Most Indians (baring the usual sickulars) have welcomed his statement (and the signaled strategic shift) with a sense of awestruck elation.  "This should put Pakistan in its place" so goes the collective wisdom of both casual watchers of Indo-Pak.  

Needless to say Pakis have gotten their collective britches in a twist.  (Watching Paki media is perhaps the best entertainment you'll find you youtube)

Two years of almost uninterrupted international diplomacy is finally bearing fruit.  PM Modi is a highly disciplined politician.  That he has chosen the time and place to open a front on Balochistan suggests the following:
a) All preparations to follow-up on his statements have been made
b) He has laid the ground work and won allies across the globe to play this card
c) Pakistan's days as a geographically coherent entity may be numbered

But lost in the euphoria and noise is a key piece that most pundits seem to have missed.  

PM Modi's Baloch arrow attempts to kill several birds with one stone.  The biggest bird isnt Pakistan, it is China.

China's audacious sea grab across the South China Sea (SCS) is unparalleled in recent international history.  Even beyond such high profile theaters, China is following a policy of modern day colonization.  Chinese aid to impoverished African nations is a stark reminder of the Red Dragon's nefarious intentions.

But back to China's gamble in the South China Sea.  

To the Chinese its bold gambit makes sense.  A bulk of China's energy imports are routed through South China Sea.  So are a bulk of its exports and imports.  

Choking this 'narrow' inlet could severely deplete China's leverage in International affairs.  As economies of neighboring countries such as Vietnam (with whom China has recent history of armed conflict) and the Philippines improve, they could exert their own claims over resources and access provided by SCS.

China's funding of Pakistan CPEC is an attempt of create an alternate route for middle eastern energy assets to reach mainland China.  

A desperate Pakistan has walked itself into a trap by inviting China to build this corridor without recognizing the international fallout of becoming a defacto satellite state of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Balochistan gambit introduced by PM Modi should be seen in this light.  Clearly, it has the blessings and tacit support from DC.   

By openly supporting independence for Balochistan PM Modi has set out to achieve multiple objectives:

a) Bring Paki army's human rights violation into international focus
b) Offer a moral and legal umbrella to the Balochi freedom fighters to target CPEC
c) Permanently eliminate discussion of LOC as a default international border
d) Engender doubts in the mind of Chinese strategists vis-a-vis the sagacity of funding CPEC to the tune of $48 Billion
e) Tie up Paki military in an unending battle with well funded internal forces
f) Bring into question Pakistan's very legitimacy as a nation beyond its Punjab centric core
g) Scare away international investors

Even if the Indo-US partnership is unable to stymie China's quest for an supplementary route for energy resources, the Balochistan card will cause irreversible damage to Pakistan.  

We may witness another partition of Pakistan within 10 years. 

But for India to ensure this outcome, PM Modi must win a second term.