Friday, June 30, 2017

China's 'Doklam' Miscalculation - And its Wider Implications

It makes no sense.  Even an rookie soldier would tell you that you dont open your strategic moves by playing your biggest card.  It defies common sense. 

So what prompted China to challenge India in Doklam?  Why open an Eastern front with India this early in the process?  Why surrender the element of surprise?  

A 'preemptive strike' seems like the only explanation.   

A docile Indian response for 40+ years has bred a sense of sanguine overconfidence within the Chinese establishment.  Recent reports suggests China has usurped 2000 sq km of Indian territory over the past few decades. 

A micro, local version of the 'salami slice' doctrine has been implemented by China.  

It follows a now familiar pattern:

1. Call an area 'disputed'
2. Claim said area and call for talks for a 'peaceful' resolution 
3. Confront border forces and occupy small areas within 'disputed' area
4. Gauge rival's response.  Is response 'muted', feeble? Continue occupying area and build semi-permanent structures
5. Repeat cycle 

Successive Indian governments have preferred an ostrich like approach to China's expansionist ambitions.  An approach which has conditioned the Chinese into fashioning their tactics with a docile, subservient India as a starting point. 

This week's Doklam incident must be seen in this light.  

But a broader chess game is underway.  

As described here

India is preparing to attack Pakistan with a clear objective:  Take and hold POK. 

Pakistan's severely weakened economy, dependence on American military hardware and international isolation has given India a near perfect window to act now.  

China's CPEC program has injected a sense of urgency into India's plans.  India faces a 'now-or-never' moment vis-a-vis the Sino-Pak axis. 

Even a limited war with India in POK would severely damage CPEC.  More importantly even if India fails to achieve all its objectives, a declared war would open the door for India to establish CPEC as an encroachment on Indian territorial sovereignty and impose a program to permanently cripple it  through cross border bombings, Water Wars, etc. 

Moreover, the consequent rise in cost of protecting CPEC would make it bottomless pit and scare away prospective investors. 

China understands these factors.  What is baffling though it its willingness to open its counter moves with the biggest strategic card in the deck i.e. opening a second front on India's eastern border with China. 

Couple this incursion with the 'downed' Sukhoi jet on Indo-China earlier this month and we can draw the following conclusions:  China wants to buy time and prevent the aforementioned attack on POK. 

Perhaps the Chinese expected the usual muted response from India and were hoping to scare India into paralysis on the Western front. 

If not permanently, than long enough to allow China to build out their CPEC highway/railway network in POK and allow for a large contingent of PLA to be stationed there and become the defacto border force to defend against Indian aggression.  

Some reports have suggested that 10,000 Chinese troops are already stationed in POK.  But against overwhelming odds (India has 100,000 troops in Kashmir alone) China needs to buy more time. 

By escalating the Doklam incident, Indian strategist has played their cards well.  A larger escalation would draw international attention.  With Bhutan siding with India, China risks reinforcing its image as an international bully.  Smaller states along OBOR will get the message - You could be the next victim in China's hegemonistic designs. 

Actions taken by India over the past 3 years suggests that Indian military has prepared for a two front war.  India's long border with China will allow it to counter Chinese incursions in one area with their own incursions along other parts of the border.  Defending such a long border would raise costs for China.  

The best China can hope for is an uneasy stalemate.  

These factors help explain China's somewhat haphazard opening gambit.  

The question is how far are they willing to take this.  

One last point.  CPEC is more than a strategic 'string of pearls' project for China.  It is a OBOR demonstrator program.  Its failure would severely dent Chinese attempts to replicate it in other parts of the world. 

CPEC's importance within OBOR suggests China will prevent Pakistan's use of Nukes (tactical or conventional) in the battlefield.  Indian counters would permanently destroy China's ability to gain a control over Af-Pak.  

CPEC may have (at least partly) crippled Pakistan's nuclear blackmail. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Approaching War - India Vs. Pakistan...- China ... 2018 - Part 1

It is now a foregone conclusion.  A matter of when, not if. 

India will attack Pakistan.  Pakistan knows it and can do little about it. 

What is to be seen is the nature, intensity and final objectives of this assault. 

We can analyze and speculate.

The planning for this assault seems to have started  as soon as PM Modi took office.  As most other Internet Hindus, including yours truly were agitated and angered by Modi Government's supposed hobnobbing with Pakistani interests, the Modi-Doval team was putting in motion a long term strategy to find a permanent solution to Pakistan.  CPEC merely accelerated the timeline.

PM Modi's 'unplanned' surprise visit to Pakistan was particularly painful.  "HOW COULD HE?" was the consensus sentiment across PM Modi's core supporters. 

But Pakistan is a complex problem.  If mere military solution worked, India would have exercised that option a long ago.  Pakistan has since its inception, positioned itself as a leader of the global Muslim Ummah.  Any assault on Pakistan would be perceived as an attack on Muslims. 

PM Modi needed to make a public and demonstrable effort to make peace with Pakistan so that European bleeding heart rulers and Arab monarchies would be convinced that the assault on Pakistan was a last resort.  

A. The Arab Variable:

The first part PM Modi's strategy aimed at decoupling Pakistan from the rest of the Muslim world. 

The soft approach toward both Saudi Arabia and UAE in particular should been seen in this light.  This approach involved 3  facets:

1. Leverage the peaceful, hardworking Indian diaspora to reassure these Arab nations that they can count on India to support them against their own extremist elements

2. Subtly play on the growing fears of Arab rulers that the jihadi fires funded and nurtured by them are approaching their own citadels and unless nipped in the Pakistani bud would consume them sooner rather than later

3.  Build strong economic interdependence.  According to Paki media India-UAE alone have signed MOUs worth $75 billion.  The main feature of this relationship is UAE providing India with energy security by building an oil reserve on their soil while India provides UAE with food security by providing dedicated Agri zones.

The success of this Arab outreach can be gauged from the muted response vis-a-vis Kashmir from the larger Muslim Ummah particularly the Arab states.

 B. China - The Wild Card

Perhaps the biggest variable in creating a lasting and permanent solution to the Pakistan problem is China.  With America having given up on Pakistan, China remains India's biggest worry.  Any overt support from China must be accounted for and neutralized. 

It is safe to assume that China will do everything within its right and beyond to preserve its carefully nurtured asset. But the very factors that have driven Pakistan into China's arms can and will be used to unravel the Sino-Paki alliance.

 Islamic insurgencies are sprouting across the globe.  From Manila to Manchester and beyond.  China has its own ticking Islamic time bomb - XinJiang.  Chinese arrogance seems to think it can put the Jihadi Genie back in the bottle. 

One must applaud the ambition of the Chinese leadership. With CPEC China is attempting to win a war in a region and against a foe where 3 Empires have failed. 

Chinese strategists and leadership have come to the right conclusion i.e. Pakistan is a basket case and beyond redemption. 

As argued here last year - - CPEC is an attempted takeover of Pakistan by the Chinese Communist party. 

Leaks published by Pakistan's leading daily Dawn have essentially confirmed the arguments set forth in the aforementioned post. 

If anything China's ambitions are far greater in scale and go far beyond establishing pockets of influence deep inside Pakistan.  This is an attempted hollowing out of Pakistan - geographically, militarily and culturally. 

Chinese calculations (at this point in time) seem to be spot on.  A friendless Pakistan has its back to the wall.  Former owners America and Saudi Arabia have decided not to renew the lease on their former b...h. 

A nearly bankrupt Pakistan has started out on its annual pilgrimage with an even larger begging bowl.  

Now add to these woes the never relenting march of radical Islam and a hostile arch enemy India which is finally getting its act together under PM Modi and you have Pakistan with few choices. 

For China the choices are stark and binary:  

A)  Sit back and watch radical Islam over run Pakistan with India attacking it in the near future to forever neutralize China's number one leverage in the region


B) Take a more proactive approach and turn Pakistan into an Islamic North Korea - dependent on the CCP for even the most rudimentary military and economic needs and in return ready to do China's bidding at the drop of a hat. 

China wants to replicate in South Asia the same leverage it enjoys vis-a-vis North Korea i.e. have an ally with which hold the entire region to ransom.

But China is making a vital error in its carefully though out  calculations.

Pakistan, it is often said, depends on the 3 As - Allah, Army and America. 

While CPEC has co-opted the mealy mouth Army, Allah and America are likely to react with a vengeance to any Chinese encroachment on their long held turf.


It is now almost a weekly occurrence - news reports trickling out of China's muslim majority state Xin Jiang describe the draconian measures China is taking to suppress (and potentially eradicate) every symbol of Islam. 

What were occasional news reports have become routine.  here's a sample from month of May 2017 alone:

At some point China will have to contend with the greatest threat facing the world - Radical Islam.  Even a subservient Pakistan wouldnt be able to stop the upsurge in anti-Chinese sentiment in the backdrop of this growing anti-Islamic crackdown. 

CPEC would add a new dimension to this war between Communist China and radical Islam i.e. Colonialism

Pakistani news media and columnists have already started uttering the 'C' word.  The New East India Company is a recurring theme on the Pakistani neck of social media.  

CPEC may as well stand for China's Pakistan Exploitation Company. 

India can and should exploit this fault line.  As one Pakistani acquaintance once said to me "To us our religion is the only thing.  Everything else is a distant second".  That sentiment explains all of Pakistan's misfortune.  All of it.  

And it is a sentiment which China has failed to account for in its carefully laid out strategy. 

As Pakistan (in its blind hatred of India) turns a blind eye to China's anti-Muslim crackdown, it loses what little credibility it holds within the larger Muslim Ummah. 

C. American/European Perfidy

American/Western foreign policy is often  "If they against us they are "terrorists"  if they are with us they are "freedom fighters"  - goes the old cold war era joke. 

......To Be Continued 

D. Pakistan's Economy

E.  Pakistan's Military

F.  Pakistan's Other Neighbors

G. India's Strategy - The Timing

H. What could go Wrong?