Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Understanding Extremism - How and Why Westernized Muslims turn to Terrorism

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has gained a mass following by calling for a blanket ban on all muslims till America can figure out why seemingly ordinary Muslims turn to terrorism.

What follows is an attempt to help answer the question that many Americans are struggling with "Why do they hate us?"

Americans continue to struggle with this question.  Trump has recognized this fear of the unknown and cut through political correctness to attack the heart of the issue.

But for those of us who have experienced Islamic intransigence the answer is rather obvious.

To much of the world Hitler was an atheist who perpetrated the worst genocide in Human history.  

Hitler's so called atheist antecedents fail to explain his Jew hatred.  What victors of WW II have successfully whitewashed is the fact that the holocaust was a culmination of 2000 years of Jewish persecution sanctioned and encouraged by the Catholic church.

For centuries Catholic indoctrination came with a heavy dose of Jew hate.  Jews being blamed for betraying Christ which led to his eventual crucifixion.  

This bit of history was used to paint an entire group of people as 'evil' and their rights curtailed and severely restricted.

Jewish ghettos and anti-jewish pogroms were a regular occurrence across Europe much before Hitler's rise in Germany.

It was this swamp of hatred which allowed/encouraged the rise of Jew-hating Hitler.  The leap from Jewish persecution and hatred to the Holocaust was short and swift.  The ground had been prepared over centuries.

It was only in the post WW II era that the western world and the catholic church curtailed their Jew hatred.  Even as late as the 60s and 70s America harbored Country clubs where Jews were banned.

Islam represents a very similar dynamic today.  But instead of hating Jews, Muslims from a very early age are taught to hate all things non-Islamic.

This hate takes two forms:
a) the obvious - other religions/doctrines - Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism.....Communism, etc.
b) Practices which are considered unIslamic - Music, free mixing of sexes, free speech, etc.

In addition, loyalty to faith above all else is enshrined as a central tenet and preached through very subtle but highly effective channels.

The practice of nurturing an animal during the month of Ramadan and slaughtering as tribute to Allah servers multiple purposes.  It teaches Muslims to sacrifice something they naturally will come to love (an animal they have nurtured) and teach the average Muslim to wield a saw to butcher an animal.

Children as young as 4-5 are taught to enjoy the spectacle of ending an innocent life.

Furthermore, Muslim children are fed on a heavy dose of Islamic supremacy and apocalyptic predictions of the eventual triumph of the Islamic way of life.

Defeat of Islamic forces whether at the hands of the Crusaders or the Marathas are either glossed over or explained as temporary setbacks.

I have known highly westernized, educated Muslims who in an occasional bout of candor have confessed to this self-belief "Triumph of Islam is inevitable".

These combined practices and carefully nurtured beliefs serve to create an primordial soup of hate and disdain for the 'other'.

The 'other' being anyone who does not follow Islam or chooses to stray from its prescribed path.

Much as Hitler was primed to make the leap from Jewish persecution to the Holocaust, Muslim terrorists have been fed on a healthy diet of hatred and supremacy to take the plunge toward martyrdom.

Without understanding and addressing this correlation, combating Islamic terror is impossible.

For the so called moderate Muslim has been exposed to the same levels of toxic hate ideology and detecting the tipping point from hate to terror is impossible.

To fight Islamic terror we must first attack the source of the hatred.  The Islamic Supremacist doctrine.   

Sunday, June 12, 2016

PM Modi's NDA: A Government of Hindus, by Hindus for Indians

Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low caliber and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed.”
India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.
-Winston Churchill

Replace 'Indian' with 'Hindu' and the aforementioned quote could be an opinion shared by almost every pseudo secular Hindu, Indian Muslim, Christian or Parsi.

Since before independence India's political class spawned by the Congress has no doubt reinforced Winston Churchill's prophetic prognosis. 

Muslims and Christians and their self-hating Hindu friends alike are prone to a long held fallacy:  "Hindu India was a superstitious, wretched, sati loving, caste ridden, impoverished land, with little to offer the world".

The anger and hatred toward PM Modi stems from the fact that his ascendancy and stellar performance in office challenges these long held beliefs.  More importantly, his continued, long term success could damage and even reverse centuries worth of labor poured into converting India and eradicating her innate Hinduness.

A lower caste Hindu, raised and nurtured by an unabashedly Hindu organization, with no help from any colonial, sickular, christian or western institution, wins the highest political office on merit and merit alone, supported by the same casteist, superstitious Hindus, destroys a painstakingly constructed narrative of the wretched Hindu who can only be governed by an outside Non-Hindu force (Mughal, British) or a native proxy of an foreign culture (Nehru/Congress).

Even a cursory look at Dalit/lower caste voices suggests a massive surge toward a Modi led BJP.  PM Modi has united Hindus like no political leader in Hindu history.  

Most importantly, through shear force of merit he has offered himself as a perfect ideal to an aspirational India.  No foreign saint or deity can compete with a man who embodies India's Hindu culture and wears it on his sleeve at every waking moment.

From touching the feet of Hindu priests to observing a strict fast on religious festivals to performing Hindu rituals, PM Modi is a Hindu PM, elected by Hindus for all Indians.

And therein lies the rub.  Hindus governing Hindus with no help or assistance from outsiders.

Though PM Modi is a necessary condition for a Hindu resurgence he cannot be a sufficient condition.  Saving Hinduism cannot be a one man project.  Even Christ needed his apostles.

The burning question we should be asking:  Where are the NaMo Apostles?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

An Open Letter To Internet Hindus

Dear Fellow Internet Hindus,

Even the PM would wholeheartedly accept and acknowledge our role in his historic victory.  The normally bickering Hindu ummah sunk their differences to elect a leader with unparalleled and unprecedented leadership qualities.

Each of us joined this battle motivated by our own personal/political agendas and preferences.  Some were driven by Hindutva, others by anti-corruption, still others by a desire to save Mother India.  

But before NDA2 could find its feet the same army of Internet Hindus began turning on its much loved PM.  He was expected to defy the very laws of physics and basic common sense to launch an all out multi-front war on every small and large enemy of India.  From minor sickular beat reporters to China's machinations, Internet Hindus wanted instant results.  Why was Sonia still out of prison, why werent Kashmiri Pandits resettled, why hadnt Bangladeshis driven back, why was D4 part of his govt, why hadnt Pakistan taught a lesson, why was his govt dealing with some Twitter executive who had abused him on SM.......the list went on.

I had written a few posts advising patience and explained the constraints he was dealing with here -

The almost two years since this post was written have revealed a level of performance that has shocked even the die hard Bhakt in me.  

While some key performance Indicators (prices, retail corruption, jobs, etc.) still flash red, PM Modi has delivered a spectacular performance on every front.

High level corruption is finished, a vibrant domestic arms industry is taking shape, 24x7 power will be achieved in the 36 month window and water and roads should be in much improved shape as well.

Politically, 'Congress Mukt Bharat' is striding towards fruition.  
In addition, global economic and defense variables are aligning in India's favor. China's territorial adventurism is only one key piece in a larger emerging global landscape.

PM Modi has come prepared to exploit these opportunities and his early successes are great news for India.

But many challenges remain.  We all recognize that a repeat of 2014 in 2019 is an absolute necessity to sustain this momentum.  Nothing will destroy India more than another 2004.

BJP cannot afford to become complacent.  The opposition doesnt need to find a charismatic leader or a perfect coalition where all the pieces align perfectly.

As explained here a hung parliament is just as much a defeat for the BJP as not coming back to power.

Given these  factors we need to quit bitching and moaning on every minor issue.  Nitpick bullshit issues.  Internet Hindus at times resemble an army looking for a war.  Any war.

A bit of maturity on our part would help India and PM Modi tremendously.  

Let us take a vow to focus our energies on real issues.  Defending and promoting NDA's stellar record in governance should be our primary focus.

PM's team is firing on all cylinders to deliver on promises that will cure India of its centuries old ills.

Stop bickering and work on constructive projects.  Stop going after fellow supporters of PM Modi.  Minor issues should not be blown out of proportion.

The recent attack on Tarek Fatah over his support for Mohammed Ali is great example of the needless, short sighted mentality deployed by Internet Hindus.

Focus on going after real enemies of India/Hindus.  Spend your time productively and efficiently.

2019 is just around the corner.

Friday, June 3, 2016

2019 is NOW! - Part 2 - A Few Suggestions

In 2003 in the run up the general elections, BJP won key state elections in MP, Rajasthan and Chattisgarh.  The margins of victory were decisive.  Buoyed by these results BJP's brain trust decided to advance the general elections.

The outcome of that general election is well known and too painful to regurgitate here.

As we celebrate a saffron dawn in the North East, BJP and its supporters must pause to reflect on what lies ahead.

It was a growing, confident BJP which finally pushed Sonia and her brood into swallowing their pride and reaching out to the 3rd front to forge UPA 1.

Needless to say we have come a long way from that debacle.  BJP has learnt from its mistakes.  The rapid reaction to Delhi and Bihar debacles is evidence of a more mature political entity.

What bothers me most are the eerie similarities to 2004.  Like 2004 Congress was given up for dead.  Regional satraps held an upper hand.  PM Vajpayee's popularity and stature left everyone else in the dust.

It was the abysmal condition of Congress which finally pushed Sonia into reaching across opposition ranks to seek an alliance.

Congress made many concessions to gain a final agreement. 

As we watch BJP strategists and sympathizers alike make the case for the improbability of an opposition alliance between competing egos and conflicting interests, we must remember that the primary objective of the opposition may come down to a diminished ambition i.e. not to gain power but to prevent BJP from coming to power or to have BJP come back heavily dependent on a rainbow coalition.

Anything short of a majority on its own would be a defeat for the BJP.  Dependence on allies will dilute PM Modi's biggest USP - an uncompromising adherence to corruption free governance.

Imagine, for instance, Sena dictating terms in Delhi with a defacto veto over the central government.  It as the same Sena that had a stellar performer like Suresh Prabhu withdrawn from the Vajpayee cabinet only because he refused to fill Sena's coffers by compromising his 'ATM' Power ministry.

BJP's sanguine strategists are celebrating the chaos in opposition ranks triggered by a laundry list of PM contenders.  Kejriwal, Nitish, Amma, Mamta, Netaji, even Pawar - how could these frogs decide on a single leader - so goes the conventional wisdom.

The trick is that they dont need to.  A host of localized alliances could do enough damage to bring BJP's tally down to 220-240.  Enough to halt PM Modi's valiant attempts to place India on an irreversible path to prosperity.

Consider the 3rd largest state (in terms of LS seats) Maharashtra.  BJP won a lion's share of seats thanks to the complete breakdown between Congress and NCP.  

I have a distinct feeling that PM Modi engineered the break up by assuring Pawar immunity in return for a free run in MH.

(Note: Eknath Kadse's recent troubles may have a Pawar fingerprint) 

If Congress-NCP renew their alliance, BJP's tally could easily come down by 5-10 seats.

Now extrapolate this scenario across Bihar, Delhi, UP, etc. and we have the makings of a hung parliament.  Just what the UPA doctor ordered to re-energize dynasties across India.

Part 3:  A few suggestions to counter and preempt these scenarios and win the war before it is fought