Sunday, June 12, 2016

PM Modi's NDA: A Government of Hindus, by Hindus for Indians

Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low caliber and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed.”
India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.
-Winston Churchill

Replace 'Indian' with 'Hindu' and the aforementioned quote could be an opinion shared by almost every pseudo secular Hindu, Indian Muslim, Christian or Parsi.

Since before independence India's political class spawned by the Congress has no doubt reinforced Winston Churchill's prophetic prognosis. 

Muslims and Christians and their self-hating Hindu friends alike are prone to a long held fallacy:  "Hindu India was a superstitious, wretched, sati loving, caste ridden, impoverished land, with little to offer the world".

The anger and hatred toward PM Modi stems from the fact that his ascendancy and stellar performance in office challenges these long held beliefs.  More importantly, his continued, long term success could damage and even reverse centuries worth of labor poured into converting India and eradicating her innate Hinduness.

A lower caste Hindu, raised and nurtured by an unabashedly Hindu organization, with no help from any colonial, sickular, christian or western institution, wins the highest political office on merit and merit alone, supported by the same casteist, superstitious Hindus, destroys a painstakingly constructed narrative of the wretched Hindu who can only be governed by an outside Non-Hindu force (Mughal, British) or a native proxy of an foreign culture (Nehru/Congress).

Even a cursory look at Dalit/lower caste voices suggests a massive surge toward a Modi led BJP.  PM Modi has united Hindus like no political leader in Hindu history.  

Most importantly, through shear force of merit he has offered himself as a perfect ideal to an aspirational India.  No foreign saint or deity can compete with a man who embodies India's Hindu culture and wears it on his sleeve at every waking moment.

From touching the feet of Hindu priests to observing a strict fast on religious festivals to performing Hindu rituals, PM Modi is a Hindu PM, elected by Hindus for all Indians.

And therein lies the rub.  Hindus governing Hindus with no help or assistance from outsiders.

Though PM Modi is a necessary condition for a Hindu resurgence he cannot be a sufficient condition.  Saving Hinduism cannot be a one man project.  Even Christ needed his apostles.

The burning question we should be asking:  Where are the NaMo Apostles?

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