Wednesday, May 1, 2019

And so it Begins - Gazwa-e-Hind and its implications for China

One would expect the long awaited Mother of all Wars - Gazwa-e-Hind to begin with a bang.  Fire and Brimstone, Cannons and War Cries.  Instead we have witnessed an informal declaration of war in a relative backwater of the region - Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

What has baffled all of us and what seems to make little sense is this: why would ISI (make no mistake, this was an ISI operation, with IS providing the necessary cover to avoid an international backlash) pick Sri Lanka (if not an ally, a neutral entity in the region).  

Moreover, why pick on a minuscule Christian minority.  

The answer is simple:  Pakistan, facing imminent economic meltdown and a potential balkanization has decided to up the ante and drown India and the region in an endless wave after wave of Islamic attacks. 

Gazwa-e-Hind has begun. 

The sub-continent is being primed to become another Syria.  And therein lies Pakistan's only hope to destroy India. 

Certain factors are clearly in Pakistan's favor.  An undivided subcontinental India from Afghanistan to Burma has 45% Muslim representation.  Almost all of it Sunni.  That demographic advantage is the only real leverage Pakistan enjoys, in addition to the Islamic bomb. 

But the Islamic bomb would destroy as many Muslims as non-muslims, rendering it of very little use.

What we're witnessing is the start of a continental scale, asymmeterical war which would dwarf anything the world has witnessed in Iraq over the past 20 years. 

Even educated, prosperous Muslims across the subcontinent view themselves as victims.  This is the preferred psychological state of Muslims across all geographies.  #GrievanceMongering is built into the very fabric of Islam. 

It is this very attitude which fuels Muslim men (and some women) to wage a war against Infidels. 

Pakistan's calculation is sound.  

As Predicted in these two earlier pieces Pakistan has few real options:

Pakistan is on life support.  ISI has decided upon a scorched earth strategy.  "If we drown into non-existence, then so will India" seems to be the prevailing wisdom inside the twisted, bigoted minds of Pakistan's leadership. 

Despite their public support for China, and despite the restraint shown by Pakistan's mullah military leadership, it must hurt them deeply, to watch the disdain with which China treats Pakistan and its own muslims. 

Muslims are most touchy about their women.  Islam goes to extraordinary lengths to preserve the imagined 'chastity' of Muslim women.  

To watch Chinese men come to Pakistan in droves, propelled by their lust for Pakistani women, surely cuts deep to the bones. 

China is also acquiring Pakistan at a steady pace.  Just as India is consolidating its own economic future and is poised to break through the shackles of poverty and uneven, anemic economic growth. 

All said and done, Pakistan can choose to sit back and watch its 'Country of the pure' become a footnote in history, watch as its dream of a Green crescent stretching from Arabia to Indonesia, evaporate right in front of its eyes, or it can ignite an inferno. 

An inferno, which will consume the subcontient and lead to a final battle between Muslims and infidels.  A battle they hope to win given the aforementioned demographic edge they now enjoy. 

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