Tuesday, May 30, 2017

CPEC, Uighurs and Rohingas - What do they have in Common - The New Great (Muslim) Wall of China

For months now several strands culminating in and around Kashmir have baffled yours truly.  Something things dont add up. 

1. Rohingas being settled in all places J&K
2. China's takeover of Pakistan aka CPEC
3. The massive, draconian crackdown of Uighurs across Xin Jiang

CPEC is a money pit.  None of the players involved will find a way to recover the large sums being 'invested' in the hell hole that is Pakistan. Clearly China has ulterior motives.  Motives which have been exposed by Pakistan's leading daily 'Dawn' earlier this month.

(Please refer to previous posts on this blog for details on CPEC's implications).

Contrast China's love for rabidly islamic Pakistan with how they treat their own Muslim minority.  Uighurs are now a minority in their own state.  And this trend is only accelerating.  China has left no stone unturned to a) change demographics of this once Muslim majority region and b) dilute (if not erase) the muslim identity of Uighurs.

But what explains the incomprehensible attempts to settle Rohingas from Burma in J&K (if latest reports are to be believed) very close to the border with Pakistan?  Who is permitting this and why?

One aspect of CPEC that caught my attention was the unchallenged acceptance of Chinese labor and managers being used across all projects connected with this project.  Given that few non-Chinese entities will be allowed to participate in this effort it is safe to assume that Chinese nationals will be flooding Pakistan.

Couple this infusion with China's plans to cultural sensitization of Pakistanis toward the Chinese and a strange picture seems to emerge.

What if one key objective behind CPEC is settling Uighurs from Xinjian in Pakistan, cleansing Chinese territories of Muslim influence and transferring the headache to a pliant and subservient ally i.e. use CPEC to employ 'Chinese' Uighurs as laborers and then leave them in Pakistan.

And what if Burma (a long time Chinese ally) has done the same with Rohingas?  Drive them out and with help from Indian collaborators  settle them in Jammu to create a demographic shift within J&K so that a contiguous Muslim region can be built as a buffer between India and China - the new Great (Muslim) Wall of China.

Yes I'm clutching at straws.  But nothing is beyond the realm when it comes to Chinese machinations. 

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