Friday, February 24, 2012

Politics of Patronage Vs. Politics of Performance: Why Sonia really fears NaMo

Politics of Patronage Vs. Politics of Performance:  Why Sonia really fears NaMo

There’s a media perpetuated myth that CONgress’ economic policies have been curtailed by pressures of coalition politics or scams or global economic conditions.

The myth in a nutshell:

CONgress is a pro-reform political outfit with India’s best interests at heart.  Proof:  A CONgress PM and Finance minister ushered in India’s economic revolution.  And that Finance Minister has now been made the PM (By Rajmata Sonia) with the objective of taking these reforms to the next level.

Nothing can be further from the truth.

Let us examine the reasons why.

CONgress has emerged into a conglomerate of varied financial interests.  Much like the Mafia in Italy (no pun intended), CONgress has turned into a criminal enterprise which will use any means (almost always foul) to remain in power to quench its insatiable greed for India’s resources.

But the rot runs deeper.  CONgress is now a highly hierarchical enterprise with each level manned by clones of Sonia and her brood.

Sadly, apart from a few exceptions this virus of unbridled greed has infected every political party.

Much like the Mafia where earners are rewarded, CONgress now has regional and sub-regional satraps who must earn their place in the party.

Exhibit A: Kripa Shankar Singh.  Here’s a vegetable vendor, who within a short span of 2 decades has earned his keep in the CONgress party.  The fight for Mumbai can be traced back to this economy of political corruption which seeks the riches of Mumbai and is willing to make any compromises to corner them.

Any attempt at course correction is bound to be met with a massive backlash.  Rajiv Gandhi fell victim to just such a backlash.

The biggest victim of this corrupt enterprise is progress.  Funds meant for welfare of aam Indians is siphoned off to feed the ever growing greed of Capos, Captains and soldiers of this corrupt political mafia.  Sonia cannot ask a Kripa Shankar to stop stealing when her own son-in-law is filling her coffers.

Granted all political outfits across the world have an element of patronage peddling.  But CONgress has singlehandedly invented the Politics of Patronage.

Patronage which allows loyal soldiers to dip their beaks in the ever widening river of blood money.  And make no mistake it is blood money.

CONgress has achieved this staggering level of success by co-opting any and all opposition.  Opposition leaders of every hue, media houses, judiciary, you name the institution and CONgress has found a way to buy them out. 

And where co-option doesn’t work, intimidation and outright covert/overt warfare is deployed through multiple layered weapon systems.  Lies are floated, accusations are repeated through media channels till they acquire a requisite veneer of truth and opposing individuals and institutions are subdued into silence.  General Malik being only the latest victim.

Only one man stands between CONgress and the total decimation of Mother India.

Narendra Damodardas Modi

If NaMo was any ordinary leader, he would have been neutralized by now.  But he’s no ordinary leader.

Apart from his stellar individual qualities of personal integrity and absolute devotion to Mother India, one other factor protects him and puts the fear of God in the hearts of the Maino Mafia.

NaMo has birthed, nurtured and successfully demonstrated a new political paradigm: 

The Politics of Performance.

Performance in governance, in efficient transfer of resources from govt. to people, in development of weather-proof political and economic institutions.

The virulent opposition NaMo faces at every step stems from this tectonic shift he has engineered.  Sonia’s only defense is to contain this new paradigm within the boundaries of Gandhinagar.  Given even a small window of opportunity NaMo can demonstrate the efficacy of his new vision.

Given half a chance NaMo can prove the universality of the Politics of Performance.  It is this shift that Sonia and her clansmen fear the most.  For it has the potential to completely and irrevocably decimate her evil empire.

And it is for this reason that every Indian must rise up and stand behind NaMo.  For he’s the last hope.  There may never be another.

Jai Hind.

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