Thursday, August 2, 2012

How Anna Party helps NaMo.

As long as I have followed NaMo, people have accused me of being an unabashed supporter.  Someone who views every development as helping the cause of NaMo as PM.

Well….thank you.  Once again this Anna Party will aid NaMo’s cause.

Caveat:  A key assumption is that the Anna Party will take a serious stab at putting up candidates in a electorially serious pool of LS seats.

Here’s why:

1.        With Anna playing RajT/Chiranjeevi BJP will be in desperate shape.  More importantly, so will regional parties that rely on middle class urban voters.

a.       Such a development will give internal BJP candidates and NDA pretenders second thoughts on their prospects

b.      Alternately, given the toss-up, more pretenders could emerge from the woodwork

2.       Anna’s constituency is the same candle wielding crowd that marched with their lit candles after 26/11 but showed up with an abysmal 43% voting percentage on D-day just 6 months later

a.       It could be argued that BJP lost this crowd back in 2004 and these voters have stayed home at every election cycle since.  With a clean choice, this crowd may just come out and vote for Team Anna.  But are their numbers electorally significant.  You cant win much with even 7-8% votes.

b.      BJP’s percentage (sans NaMo as the declared candidate) is likely to stay at 18% with Anna accruing this floating, home-sitting vote

c.       More importantly this constituency seems to be those babe-in-woods, idealists who haven’t lived through (or have chosen to forget) the betrayals of VP Singh and Pramod Mahajans

d.      Their potential for disappointment is that much greater

3.       If Anna enters the fray, 2014 may truly end up as a semi-final.  UPA3 would an even greater mishmash of parties and the loot will grow exponentially

4.       Team Anna’s failure to secure a JL is further evidence that the political class as a whole is against such a body.  Unless Anna party can secure close to a 2/3rd majority JL will remain a pipe dream

a.       Each passing day sans a JL, will dent Team Anna’s reputation

b.      Within 6 months of the next LS election, Team Anna’s support base will dry up

c.       The vixen of corruption will penetrate and seduce at least one Team Anna member

d.      That will be the last straw

5.       As these factors are playing out India’s economy and infrastructure will sink to new levels

6.       In comparison Gujarat will attain new heights under NaMo

7.       India will finally reach that elusive tipping point

Approximately 4 years back I had started prognosticating that a time will come when a desperate, disillusioned, despondent India will march on its hands and knees to NaMo’s doorstep begging him to take over.

Team Anna’s political entry will only expedite that march. 

Thank you Team Anna.  

Welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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