Sunday, February 7, 2016

Why Is Trump Winning?


1. American Exceptionalism
2. This is an 'issues' election
3. A rebel ready to burn down the house (i.e. DC politicians)
4. A Straight shooter who can be trusted
5. Bernie Sanders the last Communist

Political correctness has become an ideology in and of itself.  What began as a genuine need to eradicate racial and gender biases from social lexicon has now taken on a life of its own.  No politician or public figure can dare to support a cultural, racial or religious stereotype much less call for a change to public policy based on the said stereotype.

But Donald Trump has done just that and gone a step or two beyond that point.  By questioning Sen. McCain's military service to his nation, Donald Trump has targeted perhaps America's most sacred institution the armed forces and the men and women who serve in it.

Despite his many politically incorrect positions, Trump seems to be going from strength to strength.

Conventional political punditry dictates that any politician staking claim to such 'extreme' positions should be a non-starter in a Presidential race.  For not only does he/she alienate those he has directly targeted but also those voters who find such statement abhorrent.  

Trump on the other hand seems to be gathering his own version of 'Reagan Democrats'.

Media pundits have been perplexed first by Trump's rise and then by his staying power.  There's a very good chance he will be the Republican nominee by June.

What explains this?  And more importantly can he win?

Most Americans believe that America is the greatest nation in the history of human civilization.  Having lived in this country for several years now, I tend to agree.  Despite its many short comings America is the most egalitarian, welcoming, open society in the world today.

One could point to the status of African Americans as a blemish on America's otherwise stellar record on human rights, but that too fails to acknowledge the significant strides made over the past century.

America isnt perfect, but it's always seeking perfection.

The large number of CEOs and political leaders of Indian origin are only possible in America.  No other country has rewarded immigrants like America has.

To most Americans, America and the values it represents - life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - is a religion in itself, albeit a godless one.

Similarly most Muslims (even the moderate ones) believe that Islam is the final word in religions.  It is the most perfect creation of God and the Islamic god is the only true god.

Islam unlike other religions is also a political doctrine in addition to a social and spiritual one.

When Europeans are confronted by the rock solid strength of these Muslim beliefs, they tend to cave in.  Present day Europeans have to live with a long history of grave crimes committed by their ancestors across the world.  From colonialism to slavery to genocide culminating with the Holocaust, Europe has its own baggage to answer for.

America is straddled with no such baggage.  Two of the top contenders in the Republican primary are sons of immigrants from south america.  The same people targeted by a foul mouthed Trump.  One is an African American who briefly became one of the front runners.

Surely no latino will vote for the Donald but his supporters dont see him as a racist bigot.  They on the other hand see him as a leader who will end the welfare state and serve American citizens first.

Americans are perhaps the only people who can confidently tell the world's believers that our system, our democracy is superior to Islam.  Our ideas and ideals are superior and based on that superiority alone we shall win this war.  And because our constitution is the greatest political document ever composed we will not bow down to any man or god made alternative.

In his very ham handed way, Trump has made just this argument for calling for the exclusion of Muslims from American society.

By saying "America is superior to Islam, it is better, our values are what the world should aspire to" Trump is addressing multiple concerns and feelings simultaneously.  

America is great, America is better and America has nothing to be ashamed of.  

And he will bring America back on the track to greatness.

A few days back CNN ran an interesting story on how Trump and Bernie are speaking the same language on key issues.  Though their remedies differ markedly.

As expected Bernie's suggestions are to the far left.  But Trump is proposing some interesting solutions.

For instance, Trump has an interesting solution for HealthCare.  He proposes the elimination of artificial boundaries imposed by the Health Insurance industry wherein a near duopoly exists in each state with a handful of Insurance players allowed to operate in each market.  Which in turns gives them total control over these markets.

If all 100 or so Health plans are allowed to complete in every market, the resulting competition could drastically reduce insurance rates and costs.

This is a practical and obvious solution.  But no Washington insider can pull it off as most are being supported by the deep pocketed Health industry.

Bernie and Trump are the only candidates without a Super PAC to back them - one raising funds from small donors and the other spending his own wealth.

With no strings Donald and Bernie can rightly claim that they can take a machete to these crony capitalist policies.

To put it another way, this is an issues election.  Personalities dont matter as much.  As long as Trump is perceived as being a no-nonsense politician willing and able to take the ax to DC's incestous cluster gang-bang, he will keep winning.

Bernie Sanders seems to be emerging as his likeliest opponent.  Which would be great news for the Donald.  Bernie is prescribing a medicine so far to the left that even Lenin may be rolling his eyes.

It simply wont work in America.  "Free everything" doesnt work because Americans are one nation that understands that there's no free lunch.

If you tax the rich too much they will pack up and leave the country.  And the constitution will not allow any government to prevent this exodus.

Trump is winning because he has understood that Americans are fed up.  Anyone willing to talk straight and propose practical (albeit controversial) solutions will have a real chance of winning this election.

The Hispanic and Black vote will desert the Republicans unless they nominate Rubio or Cruz.  But even then it may not get a critical mass of this segment.  

Trump may just consolidate the White vote behind him and win in November.

Will he be able to deliver on his promises.  Probably not.  But we're talking about him winning an election not governing effectively.

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