Outrage, anger, rage.....a deep rooted desire to kicking some anti-Indian ass. As the anti-national fired raged at JNU most commentators got caught up in the issue itself. But none seem to have noticed the elephant in the room.
From calling for independence for Kashmir, the JNU types have graduated to demanding 'azadi' for West Bengal and Kerala. Kerala??? When did this happen?
Another question kept cropping up. How is it that a motley crew of anti-nationals manage to drump up so much heat and dust? Granted Indian media is in bed with every anti-Indian force on earth, but given that a BJP govt with control over Delhi Police controls the capital and JNU, where did this audacity come from?
A simple variable explains the anti-national storm witnessed at JNU and that is Demographic Change.
By almost every independent estimate, most urban centers across India will have close to 30% Muslims within the next 15 years.
Ghettoisation of Muslims will not end anytime soon. With such a concentrated presence, Muslims could influence close to 200-250 seats by 2030.
That kind of leverage will most certainly raise the demand for a Muslim PM.
Given these emerging trends, it is likely that the first Muslim PM of India is currently in his twenties.
Though most BJP supporters have rejoiced over the emergence of Owaisi brothers as they cut into 'sickular' votes, the long term trend their go-it-alone strategy insinuates should worry every Indian.
When yours truly first suggested the inevitability of an 'Islamic Republic of India', many a reader mocked at such a possibility. Given the new found aggression of Muslim politicians and their brethren the real miscalculation may be in suggesting that such a reality will be upon us around the mid-century mark.
It is in fact likely to happen between 2030 and 2040.
As West Bengal and Kerala are showing us, Muslim population doesnt need to cross the 50% or even 40% mark. 30% seems to be the magic tipping point. With tactical, enmasse voting 30% vote bank gives every politician a massive head start over his/her rivals.
By 2025 Indian politicians will offer soft Sharia to Muslim majority areas. By 2029 these areas may be carved out as separate states and by 2040 a Muslim PM may be the only way to keep India as a single, undivided nation state.
Demographics influence destiny like few other variables do. With human population exploding from 2 Billion to 7.5 Billion in less than a 100 years, demographic invasion as a weapon is only a recent phenomenon.
And India is not the only country facing this time bomb. For instance, 50% of student is state run schools in Brussels are Muslim.
If Islam achieves its green crescent by 2050, its world domination is a certainty. Two counter forces may trip this triumphant march.
1. Climate Change
2. China
As the tiny island state of Maldives has shown us, entire countries could be whipped out of existence as Climate change becomes irreversible. Densely populated cities such as Miami are facing a catastrophe within the next decade with rising sea levels poised to destroy everything from the sewage system to fresh water acquifiers.
Islam's triumph may represent a pyrrihic victory at best. With uneducated and unskilled global population unable to counter effects of climate change leading to massive displacement, forced migration and economic hardship.
China is rapidly converting to Christianity. Even the most conservative estimates peg Chinese Christians at 100 million with some estimates suggesting a 300 million mark.
China understands the threat Islam poses to its largest province - XinJiang. It has tried to win peace by making Pakistan a client state, heavily dependent on Chinese economic and military largessee to survive against a rising India.
But if India comes under Muslim rule, this enemosity will lose its raison d'etre and Pakistan and India could easily join hands to forment trouble in XinJiang to rescue their Muslim brethren.
With such a possibility within a foreseeable horizon, China could do play a double game to fragment Pakistan if it can simultaneously weaken India.
With such scenarios not unthinkable, PM Modi remains India's only hope - If and only If he wins a second term.
The foundation he has begun installing will take time to bear fruit. A strong, economically and militarily strong India could force an alteration of International borders and slow down the rising Islamic tide.
PM Modi is our last hope. Hope his followers realize that.
From calling for independence for Kashmir, the JNU types have graduated to demanding 'azadi' for West Bengal and Kerala. Kerala??? When did this happen?
Another question kept cropping up. How is it that a motley crew of anti-nationals manage to drump up so much heat and dust? Granted Indian media is in bed with every anti-Indian force on earth, but given that a BJP govt with control over Delhi Police controls the capital and JNU, where did this audacity come from?
A simple variable explains the anti-national storm witnessed at JNU and that is Demographic Change.
By almost every independent estimate, most urban centers across India will have close to 30% Muslims within the next 15 years.
Ghettoisation of Muslims will not end anytime soon. With such a concentrated presence, Muslims could influence close to 200-250 seats by 2030.
That kind of leverage will most certainly raise the demand for a Muslim PM.
Given these emerging trends, it is likely that the first Muslim PM of India is currently in his twenties.
Though most BJP supporters have rejoiced over the emergence of Owaisi brothers as they cut into 'sickular' votes, the long term trend their go-it-alone strategy insinuates should worry every Indian.
When yours truly first suggested the inevitability of an 'Islamic Republic of India', many a reader mocked at such a possibility. Given the new found aggression of Muslim politicians and their brethren the real miscalculation may be in suggesting that such a reality will be upon us around the mid-century mark.
It is in fact likely to happen between 2030 and 2040.
As West Bengal and Kerala are showing us, Muslim population doesnt need to cross the 50% or even 40% mark. 30% seems to be the magic tipping point. With tactical, enmasse voting 30% vote bank gives every politician a massive head start over his/her rivals.
By 2025 Indian politicians will offer soft Sharia to Muslim majority areas. By 2029 these areas may be carved out as separate states and by 2040 a Muslim PM may be the only way to keep India as a single, undivided nation state.
Demographics influence destiny like few other variables do. With human population exploding from 2 Billion to 7.5 Billion in less than a 100 years, demographic invasion as a weapon is only a recent phenomenon.
And India is not the only country facing this time bomb. For instance, 50% of student is state run schools in Brussels are Muslim.
If Islam achieves its green crescent by 2050, its world domination is a certainty. Two counter forces may trip this triumphant march.
1. Climate Change
2. China
As the tiny island state of Maldives has shown us, entire countries could be whipped out of existence as Climate change becomes irreversible. Densely populated cities such as Miami are facing a catastrophe within the next decade with rising sea levels poised to destroy everything from the sewage system to fresh water acquifiers.
Islam's triumph may represent a pyrrihic victory at best. With uneducated and unskilled global population unable to counter effects of climate change leading to massive displacement, forced migration and economic hardship.
China is rapidly converting to Christianity. Even the most conservative estimates peg Chinese Christians at 100 million with some estimates suggesting a 300 million mark.
China understands the threat Islam poses to its largest province - XinJiang. It has tried to win peace by making Pakistan a client state, heavily dependent on Chinese economic and military largessee to survive against a rising India.
But if India comes under Muslim rule, this enemosity will lose its raison d'etre and Pakistan and India could easily join hands to forment trouble in XinJiang to rescue their Muslim brethren.
With such a possibility within a foreseeable horizon, China could do play a double game to fragment Pakistan if it can simultaneously weaken India.
With such scenarios not unthinkable, PM Modi remains India's only hope - If and only If he wins a second term.
The foundation he has begun installing will take time to bear fruit. A strong, economically and militarily strong India could force an alteration of International borders and slow down the rising Islamic tide.
PM Modi is our last hope. Hope his followers realize that.