Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Target is Marathi Manoos

 #Kangana, #Sushant, #Bollywood, #Sena, #Aditya.....the cluster %$&# of cacophony would make a fish market green with envy.  

The early signs of a larger strategy behind the campaign came from Arnab's 'courageous' disrespect for the 50% owners of Mumbai - the Shiv Sena and the the Thackeray family (D Company being the other 50% owners).  

There was simply no way in which a journalist could use the language and demeanor for the Sena, sitting in their bastion without the tacit backing of a massive power source.  

That power source being Amit Shah and the Sangh Parivar. 

The Sangh had decided to not only teach Sena a lesson but to launch a final assault to permanently finish off the Sena. 

The shenanigans which India has witnessed over the past month are not a mere tamasha to humiliate Sena but to politically destroy Sena and its first family. 

Sena draws all its power from the love harbored for it by the Marathi Manoos.  That the high and mighty have bowed at the feet of Balasaheb gives the average Maharastrian a secret pleasure and remains a source of pride. 

That the rich and famous would genuflect and cower in fear at the mere grunt of the Tiger makes up for the 'humiliation' of having to cede ground to non-Maharastrians in their every day lives. 

Coupled with the Robinhood folklore of legendary middle leadership of the Sena have sealed Sena's votebank in Sena's pocket burrow. 

So it follows, that the the only way to undermine the Sena is to turn its core votebank against it.  

And the best way to achieve that goal is to expose Sena's betrayal of the values the Marathi Manoos holds dear to his/her heart. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

ModAmerica - Did China walk into a trap

As details of China's aggression in Galwan Valley have emerged two questions have perplexed experts and laymen alike. 

China has taken over strategic mountain top locations and brought in heavy construction equipment.  None of these actions could happen without Indian intelligence having noticed it.  Not on a barren terrain and in the age of satellite and drone saturation. 

So the logical second question comes up.  Why did Indians not react in a timely manner.  At the very least Indian Army could have moved in and taken up positions to freeze Chinese actions. 

The answers to these questions lie within NDA's political actions.  Having followed and tracked PM Modi for almost 20 years now, I can say this with the greatest of confidence that he does not make loud pronouncements.  And neither does his trusted deputy HM Amit Shah. 

But ever since Article 370 was scrapped and J&K trifurcated,  Amit Shah in particular, have gone to town on how they plan to take back POK.  India's DM Rajnath Singh has played up the intention as well. 

It made no real sense.  Why would you publicly declare your intention and surrender the element of surprise?  Why warn your enemy and help them prepare for a possible attack. 

A panicky Pakistan has gone into hyper preparation.  Moving assets closer to the border and freaking out at the mere sight of a MIG on the India side of the border. 

As you place all these pieces in place an interesting picture emerges.  Was the intention to bait China into taking some action and then using the 'attack' to justify a grand alliance with the US? 

There's no way India's political equations would allow such an alliance in peace time.  From the loony Left to the Hindutva Right, India has a huge number of skeptics vis-a-vis an American alliance.  Given America's unreliability and a use-and-discard policy it has adopted with former allies, this reticence is partly justified. 

However, it does not take into account the altered global and regional realities.  A Chinese attack was perhaps the only way India could justify an alliance and railroad its way over local political opposition. 

Indians as a people have always admired America and the two democracies are natural allies.  The large number of American CEOs of Indian descent is just one example of how seamlessly Indians fit in with the American way of life and the broader American ideals of freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness. 

Galwan was the perfect way to push India into a long term grand alliance on the lines of the alliance Post-war Japan nurtured and constructed with the Americans. 

The alliance holds great promise beyond military cooperation.  American businesses fleeing from China could provide the same level of management, tech and financial expertise and support to Indian companies which they provided to China over the past 20 years without incurring the risk of IP theft and military threat. 

Indians would have no problem in trading prosperity for American Hegemony as long as America doesnt take India and Indian concerns for granted. 

As long as America leaves wiggle room for India to posture on issues pertaining to Iran, etc. an Indo-US alliance could prove as effective as the Marshall plan. 

A new world order is taking shape and history may recognize June 16th, 2020 as the date it was birthed on the slopes of Himalayan moutains in the Galwan valley.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Galwan - America the Joker in the Pack

Experts have given several reasons for America's public restrain on China's aggression in Ladakh.  

Why, it is argued, is America silent if China has emerged as enemy #1.  The reason is fairly straightforward.  A limited set back to India in its conflict with China fits perfectly into America's plans. 

A 'defeated' India with a highly publicized Chinese occupation in Ladakh will have few options other than to align completely with American interests.  No more non-alignment. 

More importantly, a Chinese 'victory' will neutralize India's domestic anti-American lobby.  From CPI to Urban Naxals and a section of the Sangh. 

Another major benefits accrues to the Americans for being hands-off at this juncture.  American business fleeing out of China would find an Indian society very open and susceptible to its charms. 

If played deftly, India could gain significantly from the emerging alignment of the new world order. 

Imagine, American sagacity and discipline married with Indian ingenuity. 

We could be the first alliance to master space travel, dismantle the Communist-Islamist alliance and usher in a 1000 years of peace. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

China - Galwan and Beyond

In almost any conflict, it is very easy to get drawn into the events at hand.  China's aggression in Ladakh is one such event.  The pundits are grappling for an explanation.  Why would China take the risk now, given the plethora of challenges it faces on multiple fronts.  

Indians (as would be expected) are chalking up this aggression to China's domestic weakness.  Or more importantly the supposed challenges Xi Jinping is facing within the CCP.   

This is wishful thinking.  Galwan happened not because China is weak but because Pakistan is at the weakest point in its history. 

As explained in earlier posts ( represents China's biggest strategic investment and the key to its super power ambitions beyond the South China Sea.  

Recent reports of the massive scale of corruption within the much celebrated CPEC project give us an insight into how comprehensively China has taken over Pakistan.  

This Chinese 'land grab' has coincided with Pakistan's descent into an economically failed state.  Even expat Pakistanis are refusing to invest in their country. 

Additionally, their Muslim allies across the Arab have sensed their beggarly economic status and have decided to abandon them.  Throwing small crumbs in their direction for old times sake. 

China now remains Pakistan's only dependable 'ally'. 

India's decision to abrogate Article 370 was never a one-off move.  It was part of a much larger strategic initiative to achieve multiple objectives: 

1. Take back POK 
2. End CPEC 
3. Cut off Chinese access to the Arabian Sea and through it the middle east 
4. Dismember Pakistan 
5. Establish land access to Afghanistan 

China cannot afford an Indo-Pak war.  Any such conflict will have 3 possible outcomes.  None of which favor China. 

1. Pakistan is defeated and India takes back POK 
2. India makes limited gains but stalls CPEC and all the assets China wants to build 
3. A limited, localized nuclear exchange which, again, permanently destroys CPEC and Pakistan as a Vassal state, a West Coast North Korea if you will.

Much has been made of how India (under Chinese threat) is moving closer to the United States.  But actually in equal measure, it is the USA which is rolling out the red carpet for India given its emerging Cold War with China. 

Pakistan's dependence on American military hardware makes it a sitting duck in the event of a war that extends beyond the first week or two.  Over the past several years, reports have emerged of how Pakistan is cannablising its own F-16s for parts to keep their main stay fighter jets in war readiness.  They have also sought help from Turkey (a NATO ally with its own F-16 fleet) in this regard. 

If Pakistan's main defenses are on such tenterhooks, what does it say about their other military assets.  Tanks, Howitzers, Transport aircraft, wouldnt all these be facing the same shortages.  Over the years China has supplemented some of this Pakistani hardware with their own jets and other military assets.  But these have never been battle tested. 

The J-10, introduced as recently as 2007 is based old Soviet designs and apart from Chinese vassal state has found few takers on the international market. 

China cannot possibly replace Pakistan's aging American hardware accumulated over several decades.  The cost would be staggering. 

Given these factors, China's decision to engage India at Galwan can be explained by only one insight - Preemptive Strike. 

Prevention, in the Chinese strategic doctrine, has emerged as the primary strategy.

China wants to prevent an Indian attack at all costs.  Galwan wasnt about land grab or salami cuts or any of the conventional reasons belted out by experts. 

It has been executed to scare Indians into not attacking Pakistan. 

Once we understand this, we can now take the appropriate measures to counter China. 

And the best way to counter China is to play possum and take this Chinese humiliation while continuing with the preparation for a war with Pakistan. 

There will never be a better chance to permanently and irreversibly counter India's situation with Pakistan than in the next 6 to 12 months. 

Take even 20 kms of strategic depth within POK and Pakistan can do little but witness its own disintegration. 

India should sit back, keep preparing and attack Pakistan at a time and place of our choosing.  The stars are aligned.  Har Har Mahadev. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Beware Brahmins - Hinduism in Peril

Those who have followed this blog and yours truly on social media, know how much I detest the caste system.  There's nothing 'glorious' about it.  And contrary to what caste supremacist believe, caste system did not save Hinduism.  It was the primary reason for Hindus being enslaved by barbarian after barbarian.   

That it has survived is thanks to great warriors like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj who put everything on the line to save this great source of knowledge and wisdom we call Hinduism. 

Interestingly enough, the only (yes the only) true Hindu King to ever rule any part of India during 1000 years of slavery was humiliated by the said caste system.  No Brahmin priest would perform his coronation ceremony cause he didnt belong to the right Kshatriya caste.  But I digress. 

Let us discuss the central point of this post.  Brahmins are under a systematic and well orchestrated attack.  With the primary objective being to subdue and eventually (either physically or ideologically) neutralize them and hasten the demise of Hinduism. 

From the attacks in Palghar to the well coordinated campaign across media platforms, Brahmins are being painted as the enemy.  The oppressors.  Who must be made to pay for the crimes of their ancestors.  

This is the same strategy adopted globally by both Muslims and Christians for two millennia.  Eliminate the clergy of any faith and the faith falls apart.  From South American Aztecs and Incas to Egypt to Kashmiri and Goan Brahmin priests - All have been subjected to the same atrocities.  Butchered in the most heinous fashion.  You cut of the head and the body falls apart.  

Both Islam and Christianity are particularly insecure about their congregational faiths.  Unless the faithful are not forced into the pews or on to the mats they will start thinking for themselves and turn away from their respective faiths.  It is no surprise that Christianity fell apart in Europe once the followers stopped attending Church. 

It is for this reason that despite the clear danger posed by Covid, leaders of both religions were insistent on hosting their weekly gatherings.  

Given this dynamic, they extrapolate the same centrality to Brahmins within Hinduism and see them as the biggest road block to finally overpower and eventually extinguish Hinduism.  

Kill/Neutralize the Brahmin and the count down begins. 

Brahmins in particular and Upper Caste Hindus in general are partly to blame for this state of affairs.  There's no doubt a sense of superiority within Upper caste Hindus who simply consider their birth to place them on a higher perch.  Giving them a permanent membership to an exclusive club. One that is not open to their lower caste brethren. 

 Over the years I have observed this sense of 'lower castes being lesser Hindus' permeate across India and this divide and segregation has created a fertile hunting ground for evangelical ideologies. 

We have left our gates wide open for the barbarians to waltz right through.  Is it any surprise that successive, minuscule, inferior invaders have come to India, conquered large swaths and ruled over us. 

The Battle of Koregaon which Dalits celebrate is actually the direct consequence of caste divide.  Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the first to recruit Mahars (Dalit untouchables) into his army.  He never discriminated based on caste.  The fledgling army he conjured up at the tender age of 16 was comprised primarily of mavale - the local tribal/agrarian community.  The recent movie - Tanhaji - was based on the life of Shivraya's ablest general - Tanhaji Malasure - belonging to the Koli caste. 

And that little army the Chatrapati built would one day take down two Islamic Empires - First Adil Shah then Aurangzeb.  Moreover it would keep the Portugese in check and neutralize their proselytizing agenda. 

This is not to suggest that Maharaj was able to dissolve caste differences or eliminate caste as a factor, but in deeply divided society, through shear charisma, leadership and an appeal to 'Hindavi Swaraj - Hindu Self rule' - he was able to unite Hindus into a lethal force. 

It helped that his complete selflessness and willingness to repeatedly place life, limb, sons and daughters on the line, galvanized Hindus as a society for the first time in their history as a slave nation. 

Sadly soon after the Peshwa taking over the reins of the Maratha Empire, this push toward egalitarianism gradually disappeared.  The Mahar regiment was disbanded.  A war hardened military force was discarded for the sole 'crime' of belonging to a lower caste.  These Mahars soon switched sides and became the very back bone of the British army. 

The rest is history.  

The enemies of Hinduism have understood this history.  They have realized that the only way to destroy Hinduism is by playing up the fault lines.  Fault lines that are innate to Hindu society.  

Sadly, Hindus continue to provide unlimited fodder to feed this strategy.  I recently saw a tweet (since deleted) by an educated, upper caste, NRI who made the following claim:  "Only those who have had an Upanayana ceremony can call themselves Hindus". 

My jaw hit the floor when I read this tweet.  Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj did not wear this thread.  His Upanayana ceremony was conducted only as a prerequisite to his Coronation.  

Let that sink in.  The greatest Hindu Warrior King - Without whose courage, sacrifices and infinite wisdom, Hinduism wouldnt exist - WASNT A TRUE HINDU.  

As per this belief (and I'm afraid a very large number of Hindus share this belief)  "No Upanayana - Not a Hindu" - Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj wasnt a true Hindu. 

It is this Caste Supremacist belief that must be butchered and buried.  Either Hindus unite and Hinduism survives or Hindus spend their egos and their energies in preserving the Caste System and perish. 

The choice cannot be clearer. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Kejriwal 2.0 - Mr. Natwarlal Could be a contender 2029.

Delhi Elections have been a revelation, not in terms what each contender has done, but rather in terms of what each hasnt done. 

Natwarlal has exhibited the one quality he has lacked as a fledgling politician i.e. to learn from his mistakes and make a course correction. 

For almost a decade of his existence as a political contender/public figure, Natwarlal has railed against every political leader.  From Sheila Dikshit to Sonia Parivar to NaMo. 

His most virulent hatred has been reserved for India's beloved PM.  And it has backfired.  Post 2019, has however, seen a different Natwarlal.  One who has shown great discipline in avoiding any mention of the PM.  Infact, going out of his way to selectively support BJP's agenda by simply being silent. 

Natwarlal has also borrowed a leaf from BJP's book.  His Delhi governance model has followed this strategy to near perfection

BJP has done the same with great success - housing, Jan Dhan, Mudra, etc.  But Natwarlal doing it in Delhi gives it the kind of visibility that is worth its weight in gold.  And it is this strategy coupled with his new found discipline which could propel him to the national stage as a contender.  

Many hurdles remain and his very rise could become the milestone around his political neck.  But a path, albeit uncharted, is now faintly visible.   

1. Congress has essentially outsourced the job of stopping BJP to AAP.  If in the run up to 2024, Congress and others see a ray of hope in projecting Natwarlal as PM candidate, they may make the ultimate 'sacrifice' and support Kejriwal as the corruption-free, Muslim friendly face of the Opposition. 

2. UP, MP, Rajasthan elections will be held in the run up to 2024 LS elections, BJP victories in these states are likely to fuel deep fear and anxiety - on a scale, big enough for Natwarlal to project himself as the Messiah 

3. Natwarlal has stumbled upon the formula to stop BJP - stop supporting anti-India rhetoric, let media allies do the talking, appease Muslims by using proxies to support their agenda and deliver on corruption-free mai baap better than BJP

4. I initially felt Maya/Mamta/Akhilesh and others would not allow Natwarlal to emerge.  But much as NaMo rose by leading a 'Presidential' campaign which side stepped the need for coalition politics, Kejriwal could emerge as a contender by going directly to the people. 

5. Threshold for Kejriwal is much, much lower.  50 seats may be enough for Kejriwal to do a Deve Gowda.

How does BJP counter these moves: 

1. Double down on Corruption-free, Mai Baap 

2. Go full throttle on anti-corruption, force Kejriwal to defend his potential supporters - Pawar, Sonia, etc. 

3. Revive the economy, by all means possible. SEZs, Medical Tourism, massive infrastructure spending, etc. 

4. Increase MP - local funds from Rs. 2 Cr to Rs. 20 Cr. - so changes can be implemented at local levels to connect Central schemes directly with BJP 

I'll update this blog with more ideas. 

But its Game on.  BJP better not fall asleep at the wheel. 
