Saturday, July 27, 2019

BJP - The New Congress (or is it?)

Modiuddin, 2nd Manmohan, are but a few pejoratives toss around by angry Hindutva's social media warriors.  And though their reactions may be justified at some level, they are misplaced. 

Scores of BJP activits and Hindus are being attacked via systematic campaign by Islamic social radicals (ISR).  From Love Jihad to Cow smuggling to temple desecration and systematic ethnic cleansing Hindus remain at the receiving end of these barbaric acts. 

And the irony of it all is that Hindus are being portrayed as aggressor, the intolerant, the communal.  

It is but natural that BJP supporters would unleash their anger against the first truly Hindu ruler to occupy Delhi's throne in 700 years. 

But their angry reaction is emblematic of all that is wrong with Hindus and helps explain why Hindus have remained victims for centuries.  

 There's an old saying in Marathi "Shivaji parat janma la yava, pan sezarachai gharat" - Shivaji should be reborn, but in the neighbor's family." 

Indians in general and Hindus in particular, expect someone else to do the heavy lifting, the dirty work.  They will not lift a finger beyond voting and screaming about it. 

If Hinduism is under severe attack, Hindus themselves are partly to blame for their plight. 

Few of those unleashing their rage at PM Modi, provide any feasible solutions.  What do they expect the PM to do?  Kill 25 crore Muslims?  

Ethnically cleanse Muslims out of India?  If they even consider such a solution, they deserve the cold shoulder BJP is giving them. 

But BJP does have long term solutions and is quietly working towards achieving them.  The very nature of this strategy is that it has to follow legal process so as to meet not only Indian constitutional statutes but also accepted international norms. 

Take for example two key solutions which will help India restore geographical and demographic balance back in favor of Hindus. 

The appointment of his most trusted general - Amit Shah - as Home Minister is the first step in achieving these solutions. 

1. Kashmir:  PM Modi has initiated the process to redrawing electoral boundaries so that seats in J&K are distributed as per population density and not in favor of Muslim majority Kashmir and against Jammu and Ladakh.  Such an effort will most likely lead to the first Hindu CM of J&K who can initiate the process of full integration with India.  Such a line would ensure completely legality of the process and make it beyond reproach both domestically and internationally. 

2. NRC:  The process to identify illegal aliens (primarily from Bangladesh) and deporting them would do wonders for urban India and reduce the threat of a demographic invasion significantly.  HM Shah has already declared that NRC will be applied nationwide and the process has been initiated. 

Unlike Internet warriors, PM Modi and his team have to come up with real, tangible solutions.  

The PM could offer lip service, condemn killing of Hindus, or go into his Gujarat mode, but none of these would bring any real change on the ground.  

Moreover, making such seemingly partisan statements would bring a swift international backlash and needlessly hurt India's carefully cultivated standing with key allies like Iran and America. 

So before keyboard warriors stage a collective walkout from the ranks of BJP supporters, they should give PM Modi a chance.  He wont jump ship and become a congressi.  He's just cut from a different cloth. 

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