Within the first 18 months of his first tenure as PM, NaMo did the unthinkable. He invited Nawaz Sharif to his swearing-in and worst of all, went unannounced to Pakistan to hug the same Nawaz as a show of personal friendship. All this despite Pakistan's well proven status as India's worst nightmare.
Core BJP supporters (me included) were disappointed and deeply hurt, to say the least. But somewhere deep down most of us knew we only had to trust the man. He wouldnt betray us. He had eschewed wearing the skull cap. He was our one man army.
As more of his tenure unfolded the riddle explained itself. PM Modi was buying time. To fix India's economy, to fix her eviscerated intelligence network and replenish her military reserves.
And once he had his pieces in place he pounced. Sending Pakistan into a tail spin, from which it may never recover.
As the media tom-toms NDA2's biggest muslim outreach, Hindu India is up in arms. The outrage is pouring out - 'Modiuddin', 'Nehru'....are only some of the lesser monikers doing the round.
To these I say 'have patience' my fellow Internet Hindus. Your myopia is now legendary. And when it comes to NaMo you have always had to eat your words.
So here's what could be the real strategy behind the Muslim outreach (in order of importance):
1. Liberate Muslim Women: Islam like most other religions has 3 key weaknesses - Independent Women, Apostates and Shias. Promote these to achieve a critical mass and the religion will cross a point of no return. It is no wonder that the religion puts such emphasis on the control and subjugation of women. From what muslim women wear, to who can see their faces, to what the study....everything is tightly controlled. Much like other conservative societies, when women find independence the old order collapses. Speak to any conservative Muslim and you get the feeling that they understand this weakness. Muslim women most resemble African slaves. Controlled, subjugated and kept in line by house negros aka other Muslim women.
Educating Muslim women is the primary aim of the new policy. But it cannot be blatantly obvious. Hence the inclusion of Muslim men. Even if 1 in 1000 Muslim girls graduating from these education initiatives find a voice the resulting fissures would shake global islam to its very core.
2. Diluting hold of Madarassas: Imagine reading the Koran at 9 am and STEM subjects at 10 am. The contrast is bound to engender deep doubts in the minds of even the most devout and obedient students. Basic human curiosity would then come in direct conflict with religious indoctrination and once again compel students to question Islam's teachings: Flat earth, flying horses, etc.
Much as rise of science and technology have devastated Western Christianity so will teaching STEM subjects force muslim students to question their beliefs.
One may ask how come Hindu scientists remain a devout lot. Well that is because Hinduism is never forced. Its willingness to accept logical challenges to its doctrine have shielded it and in fact enhanced its value in the eyes of its followers.
Islam being an all-or-nothing proposition, even the slightest challenge is likely to cause deep fissures. Fissures which may lead to its eventual dilution and demise.
3. Hindu Vedic Schools: President G W Bush launched something called 'Faith based Initiatives' where in state funds were funneled to church organizations to support their charity work. Which as nothing but the blatant promotion of Christianity. But by keeping it avowedly faith neutral GW could help his Christian organizations by throwing a few crumbs at non-Christian religious orgs.
PM Modi's strategy may be on similar lines. Now when his govt. announces Vedic Schools or supports Hindu initiatives, few could oppose them. It is another trap. Much as Ganga Bachao Andolan could not be opposed by anti-Hindu forces, a pro Hindu education policy would render all opponents impotent now that PM Modi has supported massive initiative to educate Muslims.
So my fellow Internet Hindus, cure your myopia and let the man do his job. He's the best there's ever been.