Moderator: Let's jump right into it shall we. Sec. Clinton, Mr Trump wants to ban muslims from entering America as part of his strategy to fight Terror
Clinton: You still havent answered how you will implement your pie-in-the-sky ideas
Clinton: This would be a disaster. There are 42 muslim countries and branding all muslims with the same brush of terror suspects would create a backlash which would hurt our standing in the Muslim world and hurt our effort to get the much needed cooperation from these countries to track down terror cells
Trump: How is that working out for you Madam Secretary? China has imposed the most draconian anti-Muslim rules on its citizens in Xin Jiang. Yet both Saudi Arabia and particularly Pakistan are China's biggest allies. Ever wonder why? I'll tell you why.
These barbarians recognize strength and not political correctness. You put a boot to their throats and they will comply.
I as President will do that, you on the other hand will kiss every Arab ass to win their 'cooperation' while Americans continue to be killed by these bastards.
Clinton: That kind of language is inappropriate for anyone running for President
Trump: Oh so the language offends you but death of Americans doesnt
Clinton: I did not say're clueless
Moderator: Secretary Clinton, Mr. Trump's plan is very clear and simple 'Ban Muslims from entering the United States'. What is yours?
Clinton: First of all not all Muslims are terrorists. Most Muslims are seeking the same thing as the rest of us - The American Dream. We must begin by building our intelligence gathering capability. Build a global coalition against radical Islam and use it to destroy this monster. If we ban Muslims from entering America, the consequent anger against us will destroy any chance of building such a coalition.
Moderator: Mr. Trump would you like to respond
Trump: Secretary Clinton had 4 years and her party 8 years to build just such a coalition. How did that work out for her? She clearly failed, because ISIS became a global threat right under her nose. So we can draw three conclusions - either she's incompetent or her strategy is flawed or both.
This is our last chance to defeat this evil. If we keep sitting on our hands, too worried to be politically incorrect history will hold us responsible for our cowardice. I have nothing against Muslims per se. But there's no way to tell friend from foe.
Both the Chattanooga and San Bernardino terror acts were executed by Muslim Americans living the American dream. Both had great jobs, a great American education that almost assured their families and them a bright future.
Most importantly, there's no way intelligence gathering could have detected their intentions. They left no foot prints.
Clinton (interrupting): Better survelliance and more investments in our counter intelligence capabilities can help address that problem. Banning is not the solution
Trump: Secretary Clinton, if you would please let me finish. I know even you realize your arguments are weak. Interrupting me wont change that fact.
In order to do what Mrs. Clinton is suggesting we will need to aggressively intrude into the daily lives of average, law abiding American citizens. So Mrs. Clinton would much rather violate the rights of law abiding Americans than ban some non-Americans from entering the country.
Clinton: That is just plain racist. America is better than that.
Trump: Wait, is that racist? I'm not saying Africans, Indians, Chinese, Latinos, Arabs should be banned from entering the country. Islam is a religion not a race. Islam can be given up, it is a choice
Moderator (interrupting): Wait, are you saying that those Muslims who give up Islam can be allowed into the country?
Trump (grinning): You're putting words in my mouth. I did not say that. I said that Islam is a religion, it is a choice and you can choose it. Race is not a choice.
Coming back to my point that you did not allow me to finish. Look at silicon valley. Some 40% of companies are started by immigrants of every religion, nationality, race. I dont object to it. I dont think any American would object to it. In fact most Americans would welcome them with open arms.
Look at all the foreign born CEOs of major tech companies. CEOs of both Google and Microsoft, two American success stories are immigrants from India. How is it that a Hindu India sends us CEOs and Muslim Pakistan gives us Osama Bin Laden
(Audience responds with laughter and applause)
All I'm saying is that something is going with Islam and Muslims and we're are clueless. We have tried everything and the attacks against westernerns and Americans continue to grow and spread. If you dont want America to become another Europe, keep Muslims out till we figure this thing out. It's a temporary ban.
Thats all.
Clinton: But that is ridiculous. How can we even implement such a ban. Who do you let in, how do you identify Muslims. The 9/11 terrorists looked like any other person from the Middle east or from South Asia.
If we ban muslims, these terrorists will just get new identities with Christian or Hindu names. Will you then stop Hindus and Christians too?
And what happens to European Muslims who are white. Should we ban Europeans too. Where does it begin where does it end.
(Audience applauds)
Moderator: Mr. Trump, that is a valid argument. Your plan has been rather thin on specifics. You have told us what you want to do but the 'how' as Sec. Clinton pointed out is almost impossible.
Trump: Mrs. Clinton's argument is akin to saying that since the neighbor's house was broken into, no one can protect our house and hence we should leave our doors unlocked.
There's no silver bullet, one size fits all solution to this problem. Many things will need to be done if we're to protect ourselves. For starters we could ask the highest authorities in Muslim countries to certify that a person claiming to be citizen of their country is a person in good standing. We should also verify their online presence and examine any patterns of behavior that seems alarming - supporting or participating in online forums for instance.
Any one wanting to travel to America must be willing to surrender their background information. They can choose not to divulge this information but then the American govt. can refuse them entry.
A blanket ban on Muslims will prevent formation of ghettos and no-go zones that have become a bane of European nations. Brussels was a direct result of a severely understaffed police force lacking the required man power to track down every lead and every suspect.
America has a chance to prevent this cancer from taking root. We should act now or prepare for a Europe like situation where our laws are used to infiltrate our country and destroy us from within.
Clinton: But that is ridiculous. How can we even implement such a ban. Who do you let in, how do you identify Muslims. The 9/11 terrorists looked like any other person from the Middle east or from South Asia.
If we ban muslims, these terrorists will just get new identities with Christian or Hindu names. Will you then stop Hindus and Christians too?
And what happens to European Muslims who are white. Should we ban Europeans too. Where does it begin where does it end.
(Audience applauds)
Moderator: Mr. Trump, that is a valid argument. Your plan has been rather thin on specifics. You have told us what you want to do but the 'how' as Sec. Clinton pointed out is almost impossible.
Trump: Mrs. Clinton's argument is akin to saying that since the neighbor's house was broken into, no one can protect our house and hence we should leave our doors unlocked.
There's no silver bullet, one size fits all solution to this problem. Many things will need to be done if we're to protect ourselves. For starters we could ask the highest authorities in Muslim countries to certify that a person claiming to be citizen of their country is a person in good standing. We should also verify their online presence and examine any patterns of behavior that seems alarming - supporting or participating in online forums for instance.
Any one wanting to travel to America must be willing to surrender their background information. They can choose not to divulge this information but then the American govt. can refuse them entry.
A blanket ban on Muslims will prevent formation of ghettos and no-go zones that have become a bane of European nations. Brussels was a direct result of a severely understaffed police force lacking the required man power to track down every lead and every suspect.
America has a chance to prevent this cancer from taking root. We should act now or prepare for a Europe like situation where our laws are used to infiltrate our country and destroy us from within.
Clinton: You still havent answered how you will implement your pie-in-the-sky ideas