Friday, March 27, 2015

The End of Kejriwal - Why he may never recover

Writing political obituaries is fraught with the risk of being horribly wrong.  But contrary to AAP's media pollyannas, Kejriwal may have shot himself squarely between the eyes.  His political demise may be a forgone conclusion.

Here's why.

Politics abhors hypocrisy.  Nothing destroys a leader more than hypocrisy.

Perhaps, the best example of this maxim can be found in the sad demise of LKA as a PM candidate.  Right Wingers like yours truly, watched in perplexed horror as LKA first celebrated Jinnah as a secularist and then defended that same indefensible statement.  All in the hope of occupying an ABV vacated centrist political space.

This is not to suggest that a transition from left to right or vice versa is impossible.  In a country where party hopping is an accepted art form, this 'credibility' theory may induce an amused yawn.  But Kejriwal staked a very unique territory.  That of being India's only Mr. Clean.

Rajiv Gandhi fell victim to a similar dynamic.  He was India's first Mr. Clean.  His address at Congress' centennial promised a 'New' India, much the same way Kejriwal did.

But once the stench of corruption engulfed an embattled Rajiv, he couldnt recover.  The only thing that saved Congress from back-to-back electoral defeats was Rajiv's assassination smack in the middle of 1991's LS election campaign.

Kejriwal has committed just such a cardinal sin. He grabbed the moral high ground and has now disdainfully trampled it in a brazen public spectacle.

Some media pundits have argued that the electorate that helped catapult Kejriwal to CMship will not be the same that sustains his political career.  This is, to put it mildly, one the most amateurish and asinine arguments I have heard in a long time.

Kejriwal has sacrificed his greatest asset.  Credibility.

Who is going to believe him now, even if he concedes every demand made by the YoYa/Bhushan combo?  RTI, internal democracy, ....every action has now become tainted.  Everything he does will be seen as a sham.

When he starts attacking BJP or Congress, the accusations will ring hollow and may even boomerang.

Kejriwal has worked overtime to prove us Bhakts right.  He's a con artist who will sell his mother for political office.  He's now no different than a Laloo or Pawar or Mulayam or Sonia.

In the silence and dejected despondency of his followers, Kejriwal has acquired a permanent ball-and-chain, firmly wrapped around both ankles.

This is precisely what happened to VP Singh and Rajiv and LKA.  And they never recovered.

Kejriwal is young and may script a sequel.  But a second, generation-sized legion of AAPtards will be hard to find.

The general has massacred his own army.  Where and how will he find such a dedicated legion of selfless warriors.  The only ones he will now attract are the self-serving pimps and Hoes.  The same ones who attach themselves to every party apparatus to leech off of the spoils of power - party/country be damned.  And these pimps and hoes will need to be rewarded and rewarded handsomely.

Where will the funds come from?

"Hello 'Politics of Patronage' "

Kejriwal recognizes this emerging dynamic and has stepped up his game.  By appointing 45 MLAs as 'political assistants' Kejriwal has initiated the 'politics of patronage' in his ranks.  This is a slippery slope.  Slowly but surely, families of these MLAs will receive special considerations in their 'small' business ventures.

And slowly but surely these small business ventures will blossom into large businesses.  That is when a single corruption scandal will wreck the last remnants of AAP as we know it.  And Kejriwal will be forced to remain a mute spectator.  For his Sisodias, Sanjays and Khetans will be collecting their cut.

Kejriwal has left in his wake a million shattered dreams and a generation of young men and women who will never recover from this treachery.  But their anguish has cursed Kejriwal's political future.   May be they can find closure in the knowledge that his political demise is inevitable.


NaMo escaped a similar 'credibility' trap -  -  but he may be flirting with it given the significant political capital he has expended in Kashmir.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Convert Muslims to Christianity: In Support of a Militant Christian Fundamentalism

Post 9/11 as Americans and particularly fundamentalist Christian Americans rose in rage against Islam a strange phenomenon took shape.  Muslims across the western world were successful in countering anti-Islamic sentiments.  Their efforts were so successful that even genuine critics of Islam were muzzled into an eerie silence.

Any challenge to the accepted consensus of Islam being a religion of peace was countered with two effective arguments - "Islamophobia" and "Bigotry".  Irrespective of the medium, Muslim media warriors were successful in countering anti-Islamic rhetoric.

Despite heinous crimes committed by devout Muslims around the globe, muslims have been able to paint any challenge to the core doctrine of Islam as a bigoted, racist attack by white Christian Islamophobes.

But their success begs the question - how is it possible that Westerners have failed to counter these allegations.  After all, it is the Christian West which first created and mastered the art of media management.

The answer is simple.  There's truth in those allegations.  Christianity till mid 20th century was a mirror image of Islam.  The level of hatred spawned by these two desert faiths has led to the complete annihilation of entire races for 2000 years.  Mayas, Jews, Aboriginals of Australia, Native Americans of the Americas......Christianity can match Islam's blood lust - severed head for severed head, ethnic cleansing for ethnic cleansing.

Given its proximity to Arabia, India bore the brunt of Islam's degenerate quest for global dominance.  Nevertheless, India did get a taste of Christianity's competing endeavor to rid the world of heathens and pagans.  Portuguese Inquisition in India would rival almost any act perpetrated by ISIS in present day Arabia.  Certainly present day Christians would rise up against any ISIS like organization that stems from its ranks.  But the fact that such evil was nurtured and justified on the basis of core Christian beliefs renders present day Christians incapable of confronting Islam and its blood soaked history.

More importantly, though Christianity is on the decline in the West and has been stripped of its more controversial core tenets, it continues to harbor a critical mass of believers hell bent on ushering the kingdom of Christ.

As the democratic world struggles to confront an increasingly barbarous Islam, a key weapon is absent from its arsenal.

This is not to suggest that ISIS like barbarity should be brought upon innocent Muslims living in non-Muslim countries but the world needs an equally organized and resourced counter weight.

Islam and Christianity are fraternal twins.  A founding prophet who insisted on the one true God, at the expense of all other false deities.  And a founding crew of apostles who spread the message through all means - fair and foul.

Taqqiya was not invented by Islam, Christians developed it into a fine art long before Islam spread its tentacles beyond Arabia.

More importantly, Christianity alone has the deep, entrenched ecosystem to channel collective rage and frustration of its followers into actionable and quantifiable strategies.

Countering the rampaging armies of radical Islam will need a doctrine capable of battling this menace on multiple levels.  In the media, within democratic structures and if need be in the trenches of evil barbarity.

There are only two doctrines with the needed resources and global reach that fit the bill - Communism and Christianity.

Chinese communists have begun confronting Islam with their own savagery.  But their early successes may conceal a bitter weakness - Time and demographic change.

From a purely selfish standpoint, I do not want my future generations to live in an Islamic world.   Drained of freedom the human soul will die a painful death.  Islam promises just that.  A reverse countdown to the dark edges ending in certain death of the human race as we know it.

In all fairness, Hinduism has harbored its own evil streak.  But nothing it has done can compare to the multiple genocides perpetrated by the Abrahamic twins.  Moreover, Hinduism for all its tolerance is a deeply divided and 'self-divisive' religion.  As explained here -

Baring a few exceptions (Sikhs, Marathas, Rajputs) Hindus have never successfully united to defeat rampaging armies of Islam.  This is not to suggest that Hindus lack valor or courage or intelligence or resources.  Guru Teg Bahadur, Maharana Rana Pratap, Sambhaji Maharaj are examples of individuals who sacrificed their all to protect Hindus from Islamic barbarism.

But individuals can only go so far.  PM Modi is cast in a similar mold.  A one man army confronting the same enemy with little or no help from his severely Hindu ummah.

Even the controversial 'Ghar Wapsi' program is doomed, given the deeply divided nature of Hindu society and a lack of socio-religious ecosystem which can nurture and sustain such initiatives. -

Christianity alone has the right combination of fanatical warriors, richly resourced supply lines and the ruthless strategic gene to defeat militant Islam.

Hindus must make their peace with Christians and find a common ground to unite against Islam.

For there is only one end game in this war- the mass conversion of Muslims out of Islam.

No other solution makes sense.  You cannot wish away 1.6 billion Muslims.  A global war on muslims will destroy the human race and set us back centuries.

With its zeal for proselytization which brings waves of missionaries from across the Christian world to remote (and often) dangerous corners of the world, Christianity can help engender the much needed reformation within Islam (as demanded by Ayan Hirsi Ali -

Islamic Reformation will not happen from within.  An external, credible and prolonged threat to its very existence is a necessary (if not sufficient) condition to trigger this world saving revolution.

And only Christianity can provide the necessary doctrinal and social refuge that allows Muslims to migrate from Moses (Jihadi) to Moses (Crusadi).

There's always the risk that a militant, fundamentalist Christianity would once again spawn an Adolf Hitler from within its revitalized womb.  But given the dim prospects facing us in an increasingly Islamized world, it is a risk worth taking.

No risk, No reward.