Monday, August 12, 2013

It feels like 1985

It feels like 1985

1984 was an important year in the history of Independent India.  It represented a seminal shift in India’s political direction.  The assassination of Indira Gandhi brought to fruition a lingering fear nurtured by a myriad set of socio-economic and political forces.

Though the preceding decade had witnessed India’s brush with a fascist, totalitarian order, it was 1984 that truly jolted the traditionally comatose Indian polity into political awareness. 

75, 77, 1980 - The act of dispatching Indira Gandhi’s Congress(I) to the most desolate corner of India’s political garbage heap had been quickly reversed in 1980.  Indira was now the indisputable Queen of India.  Her family was truly the first and at that point in time only political dynasty with any real political heft.

Indira was now India.  Her arrogance, her evil ways, her disdain for India and Indians were all swept aside.  Even in her bad years she could win a simple majority.  There was simply no opposition to stand up to her.  Crabs aka Indian opposition leaders had secured Indira’s political future.

But that arrogance bred a cavalier attitude which was to prove fatal.  Her evisceration of every institution, her humiliation of every political leader bred a new resentment.  Every rebellion was to be nipped in the bud, by all means fair or foul.  No matter how low the stakes, Indira had to win.  As her autocratic ways engendered political alienation, she adopted the tried and tested stratagem – Divide and Rule.

A stratagem replicated and perfected by every political dynasty like a Hollywood scripted contagion.

As the Khalistan conflagration spread across India and gathered steam, Indians began whispering the unthinkable – a second partition of India.  With every terror strike India seemed to edge closer to that feared precipice.  Indira Gandhi’s assassination was the final straw.  The Congress organized pogrom that followed her death, crystallized the sense of despondency that had been gathering steam over the preceding 10 years.

India was doomed.

It was within this dynamic that Rajiv Gandhi came in peddling political dreams of a systemic clean up. 

That he turned out to be counterfeit was India’s great misfortune. 

An unprecedented ‘presidential’ mandate was squandered.  As the ‘Politics of Patronage’ fought back and co-opted his administration, Rajiv fell back on his family’s old tricks.  Vote bank politics aka divide-and-rule.  Where Indira had reinstated the process of political pandering to jihadi elements Rajiv took it to a new level.  He felt no remorse as an impoverished, old divorcee was denied her legal rights.  As the country’s premier legal institution was subverted, an enraged Hindu majority coalesced against such political expediency.  Rajiv’s fall was as swift as his rise.  A disappointed nation watched in horror as their mandate was squandered.

While many political pundits may disagree, India has been searching for the real-deal from that moment on.  One of the rarely acknowledged success factors behind the RJBM was the impeccable record of the Sangh’s chief protagonists.  From LKA and Ashok Singhal to Uma Bharti and Kalyan Singh.  Their lives were a testimony to those who valued probity in public life.  You could disagree with their ideological positions, but none could question their personal integrity.

A vast majority of fence sitting Hindu middle class voters embraced the movement and the BJP thanks to these very leadership credentials.  India was craving an unblemished political entity and BJP was the right party at the right place at the right time.

The first taste of power however, demolished these hard earned spurs of unimpeachable personal integrity.  Perhaps no other leader epitomized BJP’s fall more than the great Pramod Mahajan.  Here was a young leader blessed with oodles of charisma, quick-wit and a near perfect combination of antecedents, grit and intelligence to shepherd the emerging new India.  But he dropped the ball.  As whispers of his (and that of other BJP leaders) dalliances gained legitimacy, BJP’s core voter base hung its head in shame and a creeping sense of despondency.

If BJP’s best and brightest could be seduced so easily what was happening to lesser mortals?

The 2004 verdict was a surprise to many.  Few of us saw it coming.  But if you had spoken to neo converts to the BJP you could have seen it coming from a mile away.  BJP had given India an improved version of CONgress.  A CONgress 2.0 – more performance, less corruption, truncated minority appeasement.  What India had been expecting was a BJP 1.0.

As UPA2 flounders along, India once again finds itself engulfed by a haunting fear.  If things are allowed to fester, this great nation of ours will cease to exist as we know it.  The vultures we call leaders will take their nefarious intentions to its logical conclusion - the decimation and balkanization of Mother India.

Much as a gut wrenching fear drove India of 1985 to hand a 2/3rd majority to an untested Rajiv Gandhi with a single minded hope that they he would save India, the India of 2014 is ready to hand a comprehensive victory to a leader willing and able to lead her out of the morass of darkness and near certain disaster.  Fortunately India has just such a leader. 

In that sense 2014 feels like 1985 more than 1999. 

2014 will come as a surprise to many.  But a pleasant one.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Defending NaMo - Part 2

BJP seems to be falling into the trap set by CONgress(I) and its media minions:  Question NaMo’s record in Gujarat and engender doubts in minds of voters.  A few weeks back I had formulated this post “Defending NaMo”.  What follows are a few more responses to counter CONgress’ false propaganda.

Firstly, arguing based on numbers is a dangerous game.  Media allows so called experts to rant away on Gujarat.  In most cases the numbers have been rigged to make Gujarat look bad.  As @centerofright pointed out a few months back – it’s akin to desiring a bride with Ash Rai’s eyes and Bipasa Basu’s ….etc.

People tend to listen to the first few comments and either switch channels or stop paying attention.  The doubts are registered and anything BJP’s representative on the panel says is drowned and ignored.  Here are a few arguments to be made in small byte sized pieces which can quickly get BJP’s point across.

1.       NaMo is ‘heartless’:

a.       A man who works 18 hours a day, sleeps a mere 4 hours/day, toiling away for his people is ‘heartless’?

b.      A man who hasn’t taken a single day’s vacation in 12 years in office is ‘heartless’?

c.       A man who’s family plays no role in his government is ‘heartless’?

d.      A politician whose family has benefited in no way from his being in office is ‘heartless’?

e.      A leader who despite being CM for 12 years of one of the most prosperous state in the country has not touched a single paisa of graft is ‘heartless’?

f.        So who is ‘compassionate’? Sonia?

                                                               i.      That Sonia whose brats have looted this nation, resulting in mass farmer suicides, price rise, vulnerable defenses, is ‘compassionate’?

g.       NaMo toils, day and night because he cares. 

h.      He cares so his people have 24x7 power

                                                               i.      so their children can study at night

                                                             ii.      so that even the poor can lead a comfortable life

                                                            iii.      so people can start small home-based businesses like diamond cutting and raise their income levels

                                                           iv.      so rural folks have access to the same facilities and conveniences that their urban counterparts do

i.         He cares so his people have access to adequate water

                                                               i.      so they don’t have to dig 500 feet deep wells which deplete the water table

                                                             ii.      So they don’t have to travel for miles in scorching heat to fetch a few pails of water

                                                            iii.      So they don’t have to migrate to Mumbai/Delhi to survive in sub-human conditions

j.        NaMo wins in Gujarat because more than any other quality, his people recognize his nurturing attitude toward them

k.       NaMo cares. He delivers to rule whereas other politicians divide to rule

2.       Vikas:

a.       Gujarat was always ‘developed’ or Gujarat has not seen anything which other states havent

b.      Gujarat has had 24 hour power supply since 2003-04 all thanks to NaMo

                                                               i.      In early 2013 most of North India was under a 48 hour blackout.  Have we heard of even 8 hour blackout in Gujarat since 2005-2006?

c.       Piped water to Tribal homes

                                                               i.      In parts of Thane which is a district adjoining Mumbai, there happen to be villages where polygamy is now prevalent thanks to endemic drought -

                                                             ii.      Men need 2 or more wives because water has to be fetched from a distance of 2 hours and women have to make two trips to fetch enough water for the families

                                                            iii.      Have we heard of anything of the sort in Gujarat

                                                           iv.      Gujarat is perhaps the first state where under the Van Bandhu Yojana Tribals are receiving piped water directly inside their homes

                                                             v.      It is for this reason that the Tribal voter has voted for BJP in overwhelming numbers in Dec 2012 – Congress has been decimated in Tribal regions of Gujarat for the first time since Independence

d.      Best road connectivity in India

                                                               i.      Enough said.  Travel between Maharastra and Gujarat and as soon as your back starts feeling better you know you have entered Gujarat

e.      If Gujarat was always a prosperous state we must give credit to the industrious, smart Gujarati

1.       Gujarat was only prosperous in certain pockets – Kutch and vast other regions of Gujarat had high rates of labor migration due to lack of opportunities

f.        Did Gujarat always have 24x7 power and piped water supply?

g.       The answer is No.  It was NaMo who brought this prosperity to Gujarat

h.      Compare Maharashtra to Gujarat.  Both states born on the same date.  Maharashtra surged ahead given its long standing assets from Mumbai’s industrial/financial muscle to Pune’s education infrastructure to a strong agrarian tradition

                                                               i.      Now compare NaMo’s Gujarat from 2001 to Maharashtra in the same period

                                                             ii.      Beyond a few pockets, Maharashtra is slipping – farmer suicides, crumbling infrastructure, water woes, etc.

                                                            iii.      Whereas Gujarat is heading in the opposite direction

                                                           iv.      And the smart Gujarati keeps voting for NaMo.  Clearly the smart, shrewd Gujarati mind can see progress and hence keep electing NaMo with a 2/3rd majority

                                                             v.      By suggesting there’s no progress in Gujarat you are insulting the industrious, intelligent, hard working Gujarati manas

3.       FDI is stronger in Maharashtra and other states – Gujarat is at best #3 or #4

a.       This is a lie plain and simple – a lie on several levels

b.      Firstly, foreign investment is fleeing India – from retailers like Walmart to IKEA to major insurance players like Warren Buffet’s Gieco

c.       Secondly, places like Mumbai seem to attract more FDI because FDI is attributed to the location where companies are head quartered

d.      The actual investment is done on the ground not in Maharashtra or Mumbai

e.      Here’s a study by a neutral body that says Gujarat attracted highest private investments as of Dec 2012 -


4.       Muslims

a.       Is Vastanvi wrong?

b.      Is head of Deoband wrong? - Still want to deny that muslims are voting for NaMo in large numbers?

c.       Muslims are voting in large numbers for NaMo – 37% in 2012 are they all wrong?

d.      This trend was visible even before 2012 -,d.eWUearly reports indicated that over 100 Muslim and Christian candidates had romped home, confirming the trend that the minorities were finally building bridges with the ruling party in Gujarat.”

                                                               i.      “The first indication to this effect came from the verdict of the Kathlal assembly by-election. A constituency falling in central Gujarat, it had, since the state's creation in 1950, always returned Congress candidates to the state assembly. Muslims comprised 65% of the electorate in the assembly segment. The BJP astounded political pundits by wresting the seat from the Congress by a huge margin.”

e.      For the first time Muslims see a leader who will not wear the ‘Burqa of Secularism’ and keep them poor so that their fear and helplessness can be exploited for votes

f.        See my previous piece Defending NaMo on how Muslims are increasingly taking note of the ‘Modi Miracle’ and voting for BJP in Gujarat

g. - A case in point is the BJP’s victory in seven of at least nine seats where Muslim votes were believed to be decisive for the candidates’ victory.”

5.       Tribals

a.       Congress has been wiped out in Tribal Gujarat for the first time since Independence

b.      At every level from Panchayat and up, NaMo is sweeping elections

c.       Is this happening because Tribals have not benefitted?

d.      Here is the pre-election propaganda from NGO and CONgress lackeys -

e.      And here is how Tribals actually voted in Dec 2012 elections - - “Change is Visible”


6.       Understanding percentages

a.       Example:

                                                               i.      Bihar labor earns Rs. 100 per month

1.       Wages rise by 10%

2.       Labor gets Rs. 110 i.e. Rs. 10 more

                                                             ii.      Gujarat labor earns Rs. 500 per month

1.       Wages rise by 5% (50% compared to Bihar)

2.       Labor gets Rs. 525 i.e. Rs. 25 more

b.      Where would you rather live – in Bihar or Gujarat – though the percentage rise in wages is better in Bihar

c.       This is the reason why Bihari Labor migrates to Gujarat but Gujaratis are not migrating to Bihar

d.      The same goes for growth rates

                                                               i.      Laloo had left Bihar in shambles with 2 years of negative growth

                                                             ii.      There is no doubt BJP-JDU alliance did a wonderful job but these were low-hanging fruits

                                                            iii.      Infrastructure (beyond roads) in Bihar is abysmal – from power to water management

                                                           iv.      Education facilities are absent

                                                             v.      Basic  amenities are non-existent

                                                           vi.      Law and order which had seen an improvement has begun slipping

                                                          vii.      Approx. 75% of Bihar’s revenue comes from Central grants and money order economy sustained by Bihari sons and daughters working in other parts of India and the world

e.      Perhaps the biggest indicator that all is not well in Bihar is the continued migration of Bihari labor to politically hostile states like Maharashtra and Delhi

                                                               i.      Raj Thackeray and Shiela Dixit have both made the same argument “large scale migration of Biharis is destroying our state”

                                                             ii.      If Bihar was truly progressing why would Biharis want to leave Bihar and most importantly why would they choose a city like Mumbai where they survived  under sub-human conditions – no water, an 8-hour per day shared accommodation in a filthy slum

                                                            iii.      People do not go from the land of opportunity to a hostile environment to live in sub-human conditions

                                                           iv.      This proves one thing – living in slums of Mumbai represents a better opportunity for Biharis than living in Bihar

                                                             v.      You don’t see Gujaratis coming to Mumbai and living in slums do you? You don’t even see Maharashtra’s suicide prone farmers migrating to Bihar either

                                                           vi.      You can quote all the numbers you want but  look at how people are behaving – that is where the rubber meets the road

7.       CONgress apologized for 1984 why cant NaMo apologize for 2002

a.       Why should NaMo apologize for false propaganda?

                                                               i.      Every commission, every investigation has cleared NaMo

b.      An apology is just a trap laid by NGOs and their CONgress bosses so that they can portray NaMo as just another opportunistic leader who will say and do anything to get elected

                                                               i.      NaMo should not apologize.  For more on this check this post from early 2012 -

c.       CONgress’ PM ManMohan apologized but Gandhi family has never tendered a formal or informal apology

d.      MMS’ apologized in early 2009 – a full 25 years after the pogrom of 1984

e.      Note:  BJP spokespersons must start calling 1984 a “pogrom”.  Because that is precisely what it was

                                                               i.      No Hindus were killed in 1984 but 1/3 rd of victims of 2002 were Hindus, many of whom died as a result of Police firing

                                                             ii.      2002 was a riot but 1984 was a one-side attack by CONgress goons on Sikhs across India

f.        But within weeks of this so called ‘apology’ , CONgress gave Lok sabha tickets to both Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler – two of the main accused in the 1984 pogrom

g.       Such is their hypocrisy – Sonia will protect her brood and Media will look the other way and call it the ‘great apology’

h.      But NaMo has said time and again that he should be hanged for 2002 if he has done anything wrong.  Forget an apology hang me if I have done wrong

i.         Media must start using the same yardstick for BJP as it uses for CONgress


8.       BJP ministers are in prison for 2002 riots

a.       Are any CONgress leaders in prison for 1984?

b.      Is any leader anywhere else in the country sitting in jail over a riot? - No

c.       Shows that justice is done in Gujarat but not in other parts of the country


9.       Other governments allocate more on various schemes for the poor

a.       Sure they do, but why aren’t we seeing the results on the ground

b.      Why does UPA have to launch Aadhar cards and Food Security Bill?

c.       The answer is simple:  Because allocation is either on paper or it’s being looted by political middle men with a piece of the action going to the queen’s coffers

d.      This does not happen in Gujarat

                                                               i.      With Minimum Government and Maximum Governance NaMo has ensured that Government’s role is curtailed so that goods and services reach the poor efficiently

e.      Best example of this policy is the ‘Garib Kalyan Mela’

                                                               i.      Several 1000s of crores worth of goods and services are provided to the poor directly eliminating the middle man

                                                             ii.      Zero loot or leakage

                                                            iii.      NaMo directly brings much needed help to the poor – from prescription glasses to education grants to bicycles – NaMo delivers these at local ‘Melas’ and eliminates middle men, thus ensuring that the beneficiaries receive all the benefits

                                                           iv.      India’s political class fears this NaMo avatar – the destroyer of ‘leakage’.  Their ‘income’ streams will dry up as they have in Gujarat

10.   NaMo has not supported formation of a Lok Ayukt in Gujarat

a.       Actually, NaMo HAS supported the post.  What he has rejected is a person appointed by the Governor of Gujarat

b.      It is common knowledge that Governors are political appointees of the party ruling at the center

c.       Congress(I) has perfected the art of using the Governor’s post as an weapon against non-CONgress governments

d.      Which CM, and one so thoroughly and ruthlessly targeted as NaMo, would like to have one more constitutional stooge who’s strings were held by the Italian Queen?

e.      Would Arvind Kejirwal agree to a Lok Pal appointed by the President of India?


More in part 3