Saturday, June 2, 2012

There's Nothing Wrong with Narendra Modi's Ambition

Ambition was always seen as a bit of a crass pursuit within ranks of old school India, extending to spheres as diverse as Cricket and social work.  But over the past few decades, political ambition in particular has acquired a level of infamy rarely witnessed in other thriving democracies.

Interestingly enough, Indians were more than willing to bow before quasi-monarchies.  If you came from an entrenched political or business family you were less likely to be reprimanded for your ambition. 

A Godrej or Birla could aim for the stars but a Dhirubhai was a ‘chaprasi’.  How could he possibly dream of competing with these business blue bloods.

The same with Nehru’s clan and those that traced their lineage back to the freedom struggle or the JP movement.

The outsiders were supposed to serve their political masters and at best warm the thrones till their Masters’ progeny (qualified or not) had time to mature into the role and lay claim to what was their divine right.

A Narendra Modi on the other hand was an upstart.  With no antecedents to speak of.  No legacy to project, no jagir, no caste fiefdom, not even the blessings of a political giant like a JP or ABV.

Add to this peculiar Indian trait, the inglorious record of the politically ambitious in our glorious land and you can understand people’s apprehension at buying a product presented as throbbing political ambition wrapped in promises of a platinum plated future.

Political ambition in the Indian context has come to be (rightly) equated with political greed.  But ambition and greed are not necessarily synonymous.  Though the two often seem to go hand in hand.

Ambition in and of itself cannot be, should not be derided.  Ambition, infused by the sole desire for public good and driven by patriotic zeal can move mountains.

And India is facing not a mountain but an entire Himalayan range of problems.

Ambition to rid India of these problems should not only be encouraged but celebrated.

There is but one politician in India who can honestly claim to have no ulterior motives in laying claim to the highest office in the land.

And he of course is Narendra Damodardas Modi.

As pointed out in a previous blog –  NaMo has no intentions beyond serving our god forsaken mother land.  A man not enticed by vices of wine, wealth or women, with no family to speak of, no progeny to promote can have but one and only one ambition:  To save his beloved motherland from certain and catastrophic demise.

So my fellow Indians, it’s time to stop being defensive about NaMo’s PM ambitions and celebrate it so that more and more Indians understand the source and intention of his ambition.

Bharat Mata ki Jai